marți, 28 august 2012

Today's stop: Pizzeria Aldo

My favorite place in town for pizza is Aldo. It’s rather small and cosy, it reminds me of the pizzerias I saw in Rome and the pizza is even better than the one they serve there. We had the Aldo pizza and it was great as always. Try it if you get the chance and let me know whether you liked it or not. You can also order and enjoy the deliciousness at home.
Cea mai buna pizza din oras se serveste, dupa parerea mea, la pizzeria Aldo. Este un local mai degraba micut si confortabil, imi aminteste de pizzeriile din Roma, iar pizza este chiar mai buna decat cea servita acolo. Noi am comandat pizza Aldo si a fost grozava ca intotdeauna. Incercati-o daca aveti ocazia si spuneti-mi daca v-a placut. Puteti, de asemenea, sa comandati si sa va bucurati de gust acasa.

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