Amsterdam este un oras care poate fi vizitat lejer intr-un
city break de 3-4 zile. Daca in cazul altor destinatii nu am reusit sa bifez
toate obiectivele de pe lista, aici am vizitat chiar suplimentar fata de planul
initial. Este adevarat, insa, ca trebuie sa fii matinal si sa te misti rapid,
intrucat majoritatea obiectivelor se inchid la ora 17, foarte putine fiind
deschise pana la ora 18.
aeroportul Schiphol ai optiunea de a lua trenul sau autobuzul, ambele costand
aproximativ 5 euro. Recomand calduros cardul I Amsterdam, care poate fi
achizitionat chiar din aeroport (77 euro de persoana pentru 72 de ore) si
include transport gratuit cu orice mijloc de transport (mai putin trenul sau
autobuzul catre aeroport), o croaziera gratuita cu barca pe canale, intrari
gratuite la principalele obiective si reduceri la altele.
Prima zi va fi, cu siguranta, dedicata luarii pulsului
orasului. Eu am inceput cu o infuzie de cultura: Muzeul Van Gogh, care nu
adaposteste exclusiv lucrari ale celebrului pictor, ci si ale altor artisti,
contemporani cu el. Lucrarile sunt organizate cronologic, oferind vizitatorilor
posibilitatea de a observa indeaproape evolutia artistului. La intrare este
mereu coada, iar in interior, fotografierea este interzisa.
Diamantelor se afla in Piata Muzeelor, Museumplein. Daca va fascineaza
diamantele si bijuteriile luxoase, o oprire aici va va transporta intr-o lume
de vis. Veti afla cum se aduna, selecteaza si prelucreaza carbonul pana la
perfectiunea unui diamant si cum a ajuns Amsterdam sa fie supranumit “orasul
Piata Dam,
situata in centrul istoric, foarte aproape de principalul nod de transport,
gara Amsterdam Centraal, este cu siguranta locul catre care duc toate
drumurile. Atractia principala este cladirea neoclasica a Palatului Regal (Koninklijk Palace), care
a servit ca primarie a orașului din 1655 pana la transformarea in resedinta
regala, in 1808. Alaturi se afla biserica gotica din secolul al XV-lea Nieuwe
Kerk (Biserica Noua) și Muzeul de ceara Madame Tussaud’s, varianta olandeza.
Monumentul Național, un stalp din piatra alba, proiectat de J.J.P. Oud si
ridicat in 1956 pentru a comemora victimele celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial,
domina partea opusa a pietei. Tot in piata veti gasi NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky
și magazinul de lux De Bijenkorf. Piata Dam leaga strazile Damrak si Rokin,
care se intind de-a lungul albiei initiale a raului Amstel, de la Centraal
Station catre Muntplein (Piața Monetariei) si Munttoren (Turnul Monetariei).
Dam marcheaza, de asemenea, capatul strazilor comerciale Nieuwendijk,
Kalverstraat si Damstraat, de-a lungul carora trebuie sa faceti o plimbare,
chiar daca nu intentionati sa cumparati ceva anume, macar pentru magazinele cu
branza si mostre gratuite pentru degustare. La doi pasi de piata se afla
mall-ul Magna Plaza, iar dincolo de coltul de nord-est, principalul cartier al
felinarelor rosii, de Wallen.
Amsterdam is a city that can be visited easily during a 3-4
day city break. However, you will have to be an early riser and fast mover,
since most objectives close at 5 PM, very few at 6 PM.
From Schiphol Airport you can either take the train or the
bus, both for about 5 euros (one way). I recommend the I Amsterdam Card, which
can be purchased from the airport (77 euros per person for 72 hours) and
includes free unlimited use of public transportation, a free canal cruise, free
entry to the main museums and attractions and discounts for others.
I started the first day at the Van Gogh Museum, which does
not exclusively host works of the famous painter, but also of his
contemporaries. The exhibition is organized chronologically, giving visitors
the opportunity to closely observe the artist's evolution. Photographing is
prohibited inside.
Located in the Museum Square, Museumplein, between
Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum, the Diamond Museum is the right stop, if you
are fascinated with luxury diamonds and jewels. You will learn why Amsterdam
became known as the "city of diamonds."
Dam Square is located in the city historical center, very
close to the main transportation hub, Amsterdam Centraal Station. The
main attraction is the neoclassical building of the Royal Palace (Koninklijk
Palace), which served as town hall from 1655 until its conversion to a royal
residence in 1808. Next to it is the 15th century Gothic Nieuwe Kerk
(New Church) and the Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. The National Monument, a
white stone pillar, designed by J.J.P. Oud and erected in 1956, to commemorate
the victims of the Second World War, dominates the opposite side of the square.
Also overlooking the square are the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky and the upscale
De Bijenkorf department store. Dam Square links streets Damrak and Rokin, which
run along the course of the Amstel River, from Centraal Station to
Muntplein (Mint Square) and Munttoren (Mint Tower). It also marks the endpoint
of shopping streets Nieuwendijk, Kalverstraat and Damstraat, along which you
have to take a stroll, even if you do not intend to buy anything in
particular, at least for the sake of cheese shops, with free tasting samples.
The Magna Plaza Mall is close to the square and beyond the north-eastern corner
lies the main red light district: the Wallen. All these have turned the Dam
into a tourist zone.
Cea de-a doua zi a debutat cu o plimbare cu barca pe canale.
Imbarcarea pentru varianta aleasa de mine se face din fata garii Centraal.
Croaziera dureaza aproximativ o ora si beneficiezi atat de ghid la bord, cat si
de o prezentare preinregistrata, disponibila in mai multe limbi de circulatie
internationala, asa ca vei afla detalii interesante despre Amsterdam si Olanda.
poposit apoi la gradina botanica De Hortus, una dintre cele mai vechi din lume
(fondata in 1638, fiind initial o mica gradina de plante medicinale, vizitata
mai ales de medici si farmacisti, cu precadere in timpul epidemiilor de ciuma),
o oaza de liniste si relaxare, care adaposteste plante locale, continentale sau
exotice (are 7 sere). Nu ratati casa fluturilor, De Vlinderkas, unde acestia
zboara intr-o atmosfera tropicala, printre arbori de cacao, de ceai, trestie de
zahar, arbori de piper sau tulpini de orez si se infrupta din felii de
portocale sau banana, spre incantarea vizitatorilor.
apropiere se afla Artis Royal Zoo, cea mai veche gradina zoologica din Olanda,
fondata in 1838. Este impartita in patru arii principale: gradina zoologica,
planetariu, gradini botanice si muzeu de zoologie. Lipita de Artis veti gasi
cladirea Micropia, singurul muzeu dedicat microbilor din lume, gazda unei
colectii de microbi, virusuri, ciuperci si bacterii, cel mai adesea asociate cu
bolile, insa uneori esentiale pentru supravietuirea noastra. Puteti observa
indeaproape chiar si comportamentul si activitatile subterane ale unei colonii
de furnici, in 3 acvarii transparente.
The second day started with a canal cruise. It takes about an
hour and you benefit from both an on-board guide and a pre-recorded
presentation, available in many languages, therefore you will find out
interesting details about Amsterdam and the Netherlands.
The De Hortus botanical garden, one of the oldest in the world (founded in 1638, initially a small herb garden, visited mostly by doctors and pharmacists, especially during plague epidemics), an oasis of tranquility and relaxation that hosts local, continental and exotic plants (inside its 7 greenhouses). Do not miss the butterfly house, De Vlinderkas, where butterflies fly in a tropical atmosphere and stop to feed on orange and banana slices, to the delight of visitors.
Nearby is the Artis Royal Zoo, the oldest zoo in the Netherlands, founded in 1838. It is divided into four main areas: the zoo, the planetarium, the botanical gardens and the zoology museum. Immediately near is the Micropia building, the only museum dedicated to microbes in the world, hosting a collection of microbes, viruses, fungi and bacteria, most often associated with diseases, but sometimes essential to our survival. Inside you can even closely observe the behavior and underground activities of an ant colony, in three transparent aquariums.
Am inceput ziua 3 cu turul stadionului Amsterdam Arena, al
echipei Ajax. Tururile se fac exclusiv cu ghid si ai acces inclusiv in
vestiare, sala dedicata conferintelor de presa si muzeu.
memoriala Rembrandt mi-a placut in mod deosebit. Este chiar una dintre casele
in care artistul a trait si a pictat, in perioada 1639-1656. Cand s-a mutat in
ea, Rembrandt, atunci in varsta de 33 de ani, avand deja reputatia unui pictor
de succes, nu a putut plati pe loc suma fabuloasa de 13 mii de guldeni
pretinsa, asa ca a ales varianta platii in rate. Suma neplatita la timp avea sa
ii aduca ulterior declinul financiar, casa si bunurile fiindu-i confiscate si
vandute la licitatie. Rembrandt s-a mutat intr-o casuta inchiriata pe
Rozengracht, unde si-a petrecut tot restul vietii, pana in 1669. Sunt expuse
aici atat picturi si gravuri ale pictorului, cat si ale unora dintre invataceii
Nemo science center
este o cladire cu 5 etaje, de forma unui vapor, cu tot soiul de joculete si
experimente special realizate pentru a facilita invatarea si intelegerea de
catre copii a fenomenelor naturale. Merita o vizita daca ai copiii, iar terasa
de la ultimul etaj ofera o priveliste superba.
Ultima oprire a fost
Muzeul Maritim sau Het Scheepvaart Museum, pe numele sau olandez. Deţine cea mai importanta colectie
de vase din lume, diferite modele de machete si harti, care poarta vizitatorii
intr-o incursiune in istoria maritima olandeza.
Trebuie sa stiti ca in mijloacele de transport, cardul se
valideaza atat la urcare, cat si la coborare. Atentie mare la biciclisti, care
sunt multi, nu claxoneaza si nu te evita, asa poti fi lovit cu usurinta daca nu
esti atent, mai ales ca unii dintre ei nici nu circula exclusiv pe pistele
Day three started at Ajax's Amsterdam Arena stadium. The
tours are exclusively guided and you have access to the locker rooms, the
conference room and the museum.
I genuinely enjoyed the Rembrandt memorial house. It is
actually one of the houses where the artist lived and painted between 1639
and 1656. When he moved there, Rembrandt, then 33, with an already established
reputation as a successful artist, was unable to pay the fabulous amount of
13,000 guilders on spot, so she chose to pay it off in installments. The
unpaid amount would later bring his financial decline, with the house and
assets being seized and sold at auction. Rembrandt consequently moved in a
rented house on Rozengracht street, where he spent the rest of his life
until 1669. The museum hosts both paintings and engravings
of the painter and some of his scholars.
Nemo Science Museum is a five-floor science center, with all sorts of games and experiments, designed to facilitate children's learning and understanding of natural phenomena. It is worth a visit if you have children, and the top floor terrace offers a great view.
The last stop was the Maritime Museum (Het Scheepvaart). It contains many artefacts associated with shipping and sailing (paintings, scale models, weapons and world maps).
You should know that cards must be validated both when you get on and off public transportations means. Beware of the many cyclists, they do not avoid pedestrians and often get off the dedicated tracks, so you run the risk of being hit if you are not careful!
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