luni, 25 septembrie 2017

Colectioneaza amintiri: pernele decorative Felicis

Felicis, nume inspirat din din adjectivul latin “felix”, semnificand noroc si fericire, este o poveste nascuta din dragostea de a darui, din incurajarea de a fi mai aproape de cei dragi. O mana de oameni tineri, asa cum ei insisi se descriu, a caror creativitate se materializeaza in perne decorative, cu mesaje haioase si inspirationale si in felicitari care sa le insoteasca in calatoria lor. Gasiti pe site o multime de modele originale, cu imprimeuri diverse. Pernele sunt confectionate din bumbac, cu atentie vizibila la detalii, iar fotografiile de prezentare redau fidel realitatea.

Pernele decorative sunt cea mai la indemana metoda de a da viata incaperilor. Pentru o transformare reusita, secretul sta in alegerea unor modele in acord cu nuantele predominante in amenajare, care sa se integreze armonios in ansamblul camerei. Va puteti raporta la culoarea peretilor, a mobilierului, a draperiilor sau a unor obiecte decorative. Pernele trebuie alese asfel incat sa se completeze una pe alta, formand un intreg care sa confere personalitate si rafinament incaperii. 
Eu am ales o perna cu model geometric, care sa contina una dintre culorile prezente in amenajarea camerei (roz pal) si una intr-o combinatie neutra de alb-negru. Imi place mai ales jocul de texturi rezultat din alaturarea dintre acestea doua si restul pernelor prezente in camera, care contribuie la impactul vizual. Mi-au atras atentia o multime de alte modele de pe site, cu imprimeuri deosebite sau nuante indraznete, perfecte pentru a inveseli orice pat, canapea sau fotoliu. Sunt o idee inspirata de cadou, prin care sa le demonstrati celor mai importante rdin viata voastra ca sunt iubite si apreciate. Voua ce modele de pe site v-au atras atentia? 
            Felicis, inspired from the Latin adjective ‘felix’, meaning luck and happiness, is a story born out of the pleasure of giving and the encouragement of getting closer to your loved ones. A handful of young people, as they describe themselves, whose creativity results in decorative pillows, with fun and inspirational messages and greeting cards to accompany them on their journeys to their intended recipients. You can find a lot of original models with various prints on the website. The cushions are made out of cotton, with visible attention to detail and the presentation photos are extremely realistic.
         Decorative cushions are the easiest method for bringing living spaces to life. For a successful transformation, the secret lies in the choice of models in accordance with the predominant shades in the room. You can use the colors of walls, furniture, curtains or decorative items as reference. Cushions should be chosen to complement each other, forming a whole that will add personality and refinement to the room. I chose a geometric patterned pillow that contains pale pink, also present in some other room decorations and another one in a neutral combination of black and white. I especially like the texture combination resulting from matching these two with the rest of the pillows, contributing to the visual impact. A lot of other models with original prints or bold shades caught my eye. All would make a great gift for the most important people in your life. What are your favorites?
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