joi, 28 februarie 2013

Balsam Instant Bifazic Hidroreparator Anian/ Anian Intensive Two-Phase Conditioner with Hydro- Restorative Treatment

Descriere Oficiala:
Noul ANIAN balsam intensiv bifazic, cu tratament hidroreparator, se foloseşte exclusiv pentru părul foarte uscat sau deteriorat de agenţi externi, precum razele solare, coloranţi, nuanţatori, permanent, folosirea excesivă a uscătorului de păr, apă marină sau din piscine, etc. Redă supleţea şi strălucirea părului. Acţionează atât în interiorul cât şi în exteriorul firului de păr. Conţine creatină şi ceramide 3 care acţionează în profunzime, agenţi care înbunătăţesc acţiunea de refacere a părului, proteine esenţiale din plante, un complex multiactiv protejează şi îmbunătăţeşte vitalitatea părului. Aplicat pe părul sănătos sau netratat, acţiunea sa poate fi excesivă dar nu dăunătoare făcând părul să pară greu, efect care dispare după prima spălare.

Instrucţiuni de folosire:
Agitati recipientul inainte de aplicare. Aplicaţi pe părul spălat şi şters cu prosopul. Nu aplicaţi pe scalp. Nu se lipsezeste.
Parerea mea:
Pot spune cu sinceritate ca acesta este produsul meu Anian preferat- dintre cele incercate pana in prezent. Il aplic dupa uscarea prealabila a parului in prosop, prin cateva pulverizari, pe lungimea firului de par (evit radacinile pentru ca parul sa nu se ingrase mai repede). Il masez, pentru a-l distribui uniform pe suprafata parului, apoi pieptan. Parul meu devine instantaneu fin, matasos si incredibil de usor de descurcat. Cine ma cunoaste stie ca ma plang de incurcarea excesiva a parului la ceafa, mai ales ca este lung, ondulat si are firul subtire. Ei bine, nu si de cand utilizez acest produs. Pentru mine da rezultate chiar mai bune decat Bifazicul pentru descurcare usoara Anian. Dupa uscarea completa (in mod natural, apelez la uscator doar in situatii de urgenta), parul este stralucitor, buclele se accentueaza iar eu am senzatia de “proaspat coafat”.  Chiar daca nu am parul vopsit sau nuantat, vara inot si petrec mult timp la plaja, iar parul meu se resimte, asa ca profit de orice ocazie pentru a-i oferi un plus de hidratare.
Un mare avantaj il constituie  raportul excelent pret- cantitate- recipientul de 400 ml, este extrem de spornic si, pe deasupra, prevazut cu sistem “inteligent” de dozare. Il gasiti aici, la pretul de 30 RON. Eu il voi recumpara cu siguranta. Voi l-ati incercat?
Official description:
New Anian intensive two-phase conditioner, with hydro-restorative treatment is exclusively designed for use on very dry hair or hair damaged by external agents, such as sunbathing, dyes, highlights, perms, excessive use of hairdryer and sea or swimming pool water, among others. It has been developed for the kind of hair that needs something extra to bring back to it the softness, feel and shine of untreated hair. As well of the ingredients of the Anian instant- action two-phase conditioner, that act on both the outside and the inside of the hair, the intensive two-phase conditioner contains fundamental elements, such as Creatine and Ceramide 3, which act deep down; surface agents that increase the restorative action on the cuticle; essential plant proteins that select the most badly damaged areas and its multi-active colour complex, which protects and improves its strength against light and washing. Applied on healthy and untreated hair, its action could be excessive, although not harmful, making your hair feel heavy, an effect which would disappear after a normal wash.

How to use:
Shake before each use to mix the two phases. Apply to washed and towel-dried hair and spread through the hair. Do not apply to the scalp. Do not rinse.
My opinion:
            I can say in all honesty that this is my favorite Anian product so far. I apply it after drying my hair in a towel, by spraying on the length of my hair (avoiding the roots). I spread it through the hair and then comb. My hair instantly becomes soft, silky and incredibly easy to comb. I always complain about tangles in the back of my head, because of my long, curly and quite fine hair. Well, not with this product! For me it even had better results than the Anian easy-to-comb instant conditioner. When my hair is completely dry (I let it dry naturally and only use the hair dryer in emergency situations), it looks shiny, the curls are well- defined and I feel like I had just returned from the salon. Even though my hair is not dyed, I the summertime I swim a lot and spend my week-ends on the beach, so I do my best to keep it hydrated and use every opportunity to pamper it during the cold season.
            One great advantage of this product is the excellent price- quantity balance- you can be sure the 400 ml bottle will last for a considerable while. It also has an intelligent dosage system. You can purchase it here. I will definitely buy more of it in the future! Have you tried it?
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sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

ANIAN Crema Hidratanta pentru Ingrijirea Tenului cu Antioxidanti din Extracte de Goji si Rodii

 ANIAN Moisturizing Cream  with Antioxidants from Goji and Pomegranate Extracts
Official product presentation : ANIAN daily moisturizing face cream contains Goji and Pomegranate extracts, which, due to their special proven  ANTIOXIDANT properties, combat the signs of ageing skin, caused by free radicals. Feel the nourishing benefits of the red fruits, which enhance and care for your skin with their vitamins and polysaccharides. Also enriched with Vitamin E and Vitamin B5 and Aloe Vera.
Results : It will leave your skin noticeably moisturized, smooth, soft and protected against the signs of ageing.
Usage : Use each morning after washing your face and neck, applying with circular massage and avoiding the eye area. For best results, apply ANIAN cleansing face gel first.
Addressability : normal and mixed complexion.
Validity : 12 months from opening.
Quantity : 50 ml.
My opinion: I am very pleased with this cream, it rapidly became my favorite skincare product, the one that I reach out for every morning and evening. It has a light, non- greasy consistency, being rapidly absorbed by skin, which is left extremely soft and silky. Applied  at night, before bed time, it leaves my skin visibly refreshed and brighter in the morning. It is a good make-up base, hydrating without being oily, which means your face (especially the T zone) won’t shine a few hours after you apply it. The lack of dyes from its composition constitutes an advantage. It has a pleasant, discreet scent and comes in a practical package. It does not require the application of a large amount, so the 50 ml will probably last me for about two months, applied twice per day. You can purchase it here for the price of 48 RON.
 ANIAN Crema Hidratanta pentru Ingrijirea Tenului cu Antioxidanti din Extracte de Goji si Rodii 
Prezentare oficiala produs:
Crema de zi hidratanta pentru fata ANIAN contine extracte de goji si rodii care, gratie proprietatilor lor antioxidante dovedite, combat semnele de imbatranire provocate de efectele radicalilor liberi asupra pielii. Veti simti beneficiile nutritive ale fructelor rosii care, cu vitaminele si polizaharidele lor, va ingrijesc si hranesc pielea.
Rezultate: Crema va lasa pielea hidratata, neteda, fina si protejata impotriva semnelor de imbatranire.
Mod de folosire: Se aplica dimineata, dupa demachierea fetei si gatului, prin masaj circular usor si evitand zona ochilor. Pentru rezultate optime, aplicati intai ANIAN Gel pentru curatarea tenului.
Adresabilitate : ten normal si mixt.
Termen de valabilitate: 12 luni de la deschidere.
Cantitate: 50 ml.
Parerea mea : Sunt foarte multumita de aceasta crema,  a devenit produsul meu preferat pentru ingrijirea tenului, cel dupa care intind mana cu preponderenta dimineata si seara. Are o consistenta usoara, se absoarbe rapid in piele, fara a o incarca si lasa tenul extrem de fin si catifelat. Aplicata seara, inainte de culcare, confera tenului un aspect odihnit si vizibil mai luminos dimineata. Reprezinta o buna baza de machiaj,  hidratand fara sa incarce excesiv, astfel incat tenul  nu luceste in zona T, la cateva ore de la aplicare. Lipsa colorantilor din compozitie constituie un avantaj. Are un miros discret, placut si un ambalaj practic. Nu necesita aplicarea unui cantitati  mari, asa ca aproximez ca cei 50 de ml imi vor ajunge aproximativ 2 luni, cu aplicare de doua ori pe zi. O puteti achizitiona de aici, la pretul de 48 RON.
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miercuri, 13 februarie 2013

Something Different: El Barco

I wanted to talk to you about my favorite series lately: El Barco (The Boat). I am almost done watching the third season and I love it! Although it is a Spanish series, it is completely different from the boring soap operas we grew up with (which, by the way, I never enjoyed watching, as I always thought that they were lacking action- you could even lose 20 episodes and the things stayed pretty much the same). So, if you are making that comparison in your mind and are reluctant to watching it, you should know that this is a different cup of tea.  In short, the series tells the story of a global cataclysm, caused by a fatal accident in Geneva, Switzerland, during the implementation of a particle accelerator, which will lead to the crew and students of the school-ship Estrella Polar (Polar Star) to live the greatest adventure of their lives.  The ship will become their only home and they will be forced to learn how to manage in isolation.
 Fans have noticed some similarities with American TV series Lost, notably the isolation of characters, flashbacks, the existence of a pseudo-scientific parallel plot, arrival of 'others', finding of ancient films and the search for a surviving island
It is a good story about friendship and love, spiced up with adventure and mistery. I like watching it without subtitles, to practice my Spanish and it really helped me, especially with the colloquial talk. You will find some famous Spanish actors in the cast, namely: Mario Casas, Blanca Suarez, Irene Montala, Marina Salas and others.
What are you plans for Valentine’s Day? I’m not very much into this celebration, since we have our very own love holiday in Romania, on February 24th (Dragobete), but if you haven’t got any special plans and intend to stay home, maybe have a romantic dinner, then watch a movie, I would totally recommend this one. Trust me, you will love it! 

            Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre serialul meu favorit din ultima perioada: El Barco (Vaporul). Aproape am terminat de vizionat cel de-al treilea sezon si imi place foarte mult! Desi este un serial spaniol, nu se aseamana nici pe departe cu stilul plictisitor al telenovelelor (care, apropo, nu mi-au placut niciodata, pentru ca mereu mi se parea ca le lipseste actiunea, in sensul ca poti pierde si 20 de episoade si lucrurile sunt aproximativ in acelasi stadiu). In consecinta, daca faceti aceasta asociere si simtiti o oarecare reticenta in a-l viziona, ar trebui sa stiti ca acest serial este cu totul altceva. Pe scurt, povestea incepe cu un cataclism global, cauzat de un accident stiintific produs in Geneva, Elvetia, in timpul implementarii unui accelerator de particule, care va face ca echipajul si elevii vasului-scoala Estrella Polar (Steaua Polara) sa traiasca aventura vietii lor. Vasul va deveni unica lor casa si vor invata sa se descurce in izolare.
            Fanii au observat cateva asemanari cu serialul american Lost, in speta izolarea personajelor, flashback-urile, existenta unui scenariu paralel, pseudo-stiintific, sosirea “altora”, gasirea unor pelicule vechi pe nava si cautarea unei insule salvatoare.
            Este o poveste reusita despre prietenie si dragoste, condimentata cu aventura si mister. Imi place sa vizionez serialul fara titrare, pentru a-mi exersa cunostintele de  limba spaniola si chiar m-a ajutat, in special cu vorbirea informala. Veti regasi cativa actori spanioli cunoscuti in distributie, anume Mario Casas, Blanca Suarez, Irene Montala, Marina Salas si altii.
            Inchei prin a va intreba daca aveti planuri pentru Valentine’s Day. Eu nu sunt tocmai fan al acestei sarbatori de import, prefer Dragobetele autohtone, de pe 24 februarie. Daca nu aveti planificat ceva anume si intentionati sa il petreceti acasa, poate la o cina romantica, urmata de vizionarea unui film, vi-l recomand calduros pe acesta. Este un must-see!
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