sâmbătă, 24 august 2013

Ocean Mist Cosmetics Mineral Make-Up

Ocean MistCosmetics is a family-owned cosmetics company, mainly focused on make-up and skin care products. They are also committed to enhancing one's most beautiful self through mineral make-up. Mineral make-up is more than just a trend- it means natural, healthy products, that can only benefit your skin in this less and less healthy environment.
I always wanted to try mineral make-up and now, after seeing the vibrant hues and amazingly creamy textures of the Ocean Mist Cosmetics products, my curiosity for more has seriously been stirred.
You can get a better look in the haul below. From left to right: Pink Mist Blush, First Kiss Blush, Sea Fan Blush, Vanora Blush, Reflection Eyeshadow ( a lovely shimmery hue, the picture doesn't do it much justice), Volcanic Eyeshadow (breathtaking), Planet Earth Eyeshadow, Uncontrollable Eyeshadow and Sagender Eyeshadow. I will show you a close-up of the Tawny Foundation in a future post, because the hand haul was not accurate enough. 
Ocean MistCosmetics este o afacere de familie, o firma de cosmetice bazata in special pe comercializarea de produse pentru machiaj si ingrijirea tenului. Sunt dedicati, de asemena, sublinierii frumusetii naturale prin machiaj mineral. Acesta reprezinta mai mult decat un simplu trend- inseamna produse naturale, sanatoase, care nu pot decat sa aduca beneficii tenului nostru, expus unor factori externi din ce in ce mai nocivi.
Mi-am dorit dintotdeauna sa incerc machiajul mineral, iar culorile vibrante si texturile extrem de cremoase ale produselor Ocean Mist Cosmetics  nu au facut decat sa-mi starneasca si mai mult curiozitatea. 
Le puteti admira in detaliu in haul-ul de mai jos: De la stanga la dreapta: Pink Mist Blush, First Kiss Blush, Sea Fan Blush, Vanora Blush, Reflection Eyeshadow (un auriu shimmery, mult mai frumos decat in poza), Volcanic Eyeshadow (o nuanta superba), Planet Earth Eyeshadow, Uncontrollable Eyeshadow si Sagender Eyeshadow. Va voi arata fondul  de ten mineral, nuanta Tawny intr-o postare viitoare, intrucat haul-ul pe mana nu a fost foarte relevant in cazul sau. 
EN:Which one is your favorite? Have you tried mineral make-up? Have a relaxing week-end!
RO: Care e favoritul vostru? Ce parere aveti despre machiajul mineral? Va doresc un week-end linistit!
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luni, 19 august 2013

Toleriane Teint La Roche Posay

            Despre fondurile de ten Toleriane Teint, special concepute pentru tenul sensibil, in cele doua variante, v-am povestit anterior aici. Varianta adresata tenului mixt si gras, Toleriane Teint Mattifying Mousse Foundation are la baza Perlita, un ingredient activ, anti-sebum, cu o putere de absorbtie de 5 ori mai mare decat cea a talcului. Promite aspect matifiat de durata si rezistenta la transpiratie, inclusiv in conditii de umiditate extrema, cum ar fi sauna, de exemplu.
            Textura acestui fond de ten este diferita de tot ceea ce am incercat pana acum. Este o spuma aerata, fina, de consistenta matasoasa, care, in contact cu pielea, se incalzeste si se transforma complet, devenind una cu aceasta. La aplicare, in primele cateva secunde, nuanta pare mai inchisa (lucru mentionat si pe ambalaj), insa prin intindere, se deschide si se adapteaza frumos nuantei tenului. Este disponibil in 4 nuante: 01 Ivory, 02 Light Beige, 03 Sand si 04 Golden Beige. Eu o detin pe cea de-a doua.
            Gradul de acoperire este mediu. In cazul unui ten cu probleme este necesara aplicarea unui al doilea strat si completarea cu un corector in zonele afectate. Este destul de rezistent la transfer, nu am observat urme suparatoare pe suprafata telefonului sau pe haine. Zona T incepe sa luceasca dupa aproximativ 4 ore, insa daca apelati la servetele matifiante si putina pudra, fondul de ten rezista impecabil o zi intreaga. Nu incarca tenul, are un aspect natural, matifiat si un finish fara cusur, conferind acea stralucire sanatoasa pe care eu o caut in orice produs de acest tip. Mai mult decat atat, ofera tenului senzatia de confort pe intreg parcursul zilei, uniformizand fara sa incarce, sa oxideze sau sa „stranga”. Am citit pareri pe alte bloguri cum ca ar evidentia zonele uscate ale tenului (aripile nasului, colturile gurii sau zonele descuamate), insa eu nu am avut probleme de acest tip- probabil si pentru ca tenul meu nu este uscat si am mereu grija sa-l hidratez corespunzator inainte de aplicarea fondului de ten.
            Un detaliu important, mai ales in contextul verii, este faptul ca are SPF 20. Nu contine conservanti, parfum si are o formula non-comedogenica. Varianta de 30 ml este disponibila in farmacii, la pretul de aproximativ 70-80 RON.
            I already told you about the Toleriane Teint Foundations, especially formulated for sensitive skin, here. The version for combination to oily sensitive complexion, Toleriane Teint Mattifying Mousse Foundation, is based on Perlita, an active ingredient, anti-sebum, with an absorbtion power 5 times bigger than that of talcum. It promises a durable mattified look and resistence to perspiration, included in severe humidity conditions, like the sauna, for instance.
            Its texture is different from anything I’ve tried so far. It is a delicate, aerated foam, with velvety texture, that, when in contact with skin, heats up and transforms completely, adapting to it. In the first seconds after application, the shade appears to be darker, but when distributed evenly on the skin, it brightens up and unifies beautifully. It comes in 4 shades: 01 Ivory, 02 Light Beige, 03 Sand si 04 Golden Beige. I personally own the second one.
            It offers medium coverage. In the case of imperfections, the application of a second layer and even an additional corrective product is necessary. It had a pretty good resistance to transfer, I haven’t noticed any disturbing marks on the phone or on clothes. Four hours after application, the T zone starts shining, but with some mattifying napkins and some powder, the problem is solved and you can enjoy a flawless effect for the rest of the day. It has a natural, flawless finish, with that long lasting lightness that I am searching for in any foundation. It unifies and mattifies complexion, keeping it comfortable throughout the day. I have read alternative opinios about it stressing the dry areas (such as the sides of the nose, mouth etc.), but I have not experienced anything as such, probably because I am careful to properly hydrate my face before application.
            A significat detail, especially in the summertime, is the fact that has SPF 20. Its formula is also preservatives and fragrance-free. The 30 ml version is available in pharmacies for approximately 70-80 RON.
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