joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Lac de Unghii Parme Avril

Lacurile de unghii Avril sunt naturale, neavand in componenta formaldehide, toluene, xylene, ftalati, camphor si parabeni, substante cu toxicitate ridicata, considerate responsabile de numeroase boli si afectiuni. Sunt, deci, sanatoase pentru unghii, usor de aplicat si rezistente. Confera unghiilor o culoare intensa si durabila si se aplica uniform, fara a lasa acele dungi inestetice la aplicare. Timpul de uscare este extrem de rapid- eu am prostul obicei de a aplica adesea oja cu putin timp inainte de culcare, asa ca ma trezesc adeseori dimineata cu modelul asternutului imprimat pe unghii. Ei bine, nu si in cazul acestui lac de unghii. In maxim 10 minute de la aplicare era perfect uscat. Catitatea este relativ mica, de 7 ml, insa majoritatea ojelor mele sfarsesc prin a se usca cu mult timp inainte de a trece de jumatate, asa ca un recipient mai micut mi se pare o idee foarte buna. Paleta de culori Avril este bogata si diversificata. Nuanta Parme, pe care o detin este un mov lila deschis, foarte delicat si feminin. Gasiti aceasta oja si alte nuante superbe din gama Avril pe

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marți, 26 noiembrie 2013

Herra Hair Perfume

Descriere Produs :
Herra Hair Perfume este un concept nou de brand in industria ingrijirii parului, un produs de protectie zilnica, cu un parfum captivant care se imbina armonios cu propriul parfum. Cateva pulverizari sunt suficiente pentru a re-improspata parul, produsul putand fi reaplicat pe tot parcursul zilei, pentru un plus de protectie si miros placut. Folosirea parfumului Herra intre spalari, elimina necesitatea de a spala parul des, economisind timp pretios si minimizând efectele ce apar dupa spalare, cum ar fi decolorarea.
Printre ingredientele sale cheie se numara extractul de floarea soarelui, care ajuta la protejarea impotriva razelor UV, responsabile pentru decolorarea parului, glicerina, care adauga umiditate fara a incarca parul si extractul de frunze de masline, protector contra poluarii si a oxidantilor. Produsul nu contine sulfati si parabeni. Are un miros dulce, persistent si in acelasi timp discret, care invaluie parul in arome de bergamota itaiana, fructe de moșmon japonez, orhidee, trandafir, iasomie alba, mimoza, heliotrop, crin, vanilie, boabe de tonka, lemn de santal si mosc. 
Herra poate fi integrat cu succes in rutina zilnica a :
Sportivilor, intrucat elimina mirosul de transpiratie
Persoanelor care lucreaza la birou, deoarece protejeaza impotriva  aerului conditionat şi incalzirii centrale
Persoanelor care lucreaza in oras, pentru ca protejeaza impotriva  poluantilor din aer
Persoanelor care poarta de extensii, deoarece contracareaza efectele spalarii excesive, care slabeste prinderile
Iubitorilor de soare, intrucat protejeaza impotriva  razelor UV nocive
Parerea mea :
Herra Hair Perfume este un produs util pentru simplul motiv ca ne permite sa economisim timp, prin eliminarea necesitatii de a spala parul des. Pus in balanta cu ritmul ametitor al vietii cotidiene si numerosii factori nocivi, de diverse naturi, la care este expus parul nostru : raze UV, poluare, produse de styling, fum etc., acest avantaj nu poate fi decat convingator. Eu am folosit produsul zilnic, de pana la 2 aplicari pe zi si pot spune ca am observat diferenta, parul meu aratand sanatos, proaspat, revigorat, avand «tinuta » si « ingrasandu-se » mai greu. Practic, am castigat o zi intre spalari si parul meu arata neasteptat de bine. Sticluta practica si eleganta este usor de transportat in geanta, pentru un efect fresh si un plus de incredere in sine in orice moment al zilei. Am testat produsul si in contact cu fumul de tigara si am obsevat o ameliorare.
Acest produs mi-a fost oferit spre testare de catre Sageco Concept, un magazin online ce comercializeaza extensii din par natural. De asemenea, incepand din anul 2012 este unicul reprezentant oficial in Romania al brand-ului Tangle Teezer, iar din anul 2013 si-a adaugat in portofoliu, tot ca unic reprezentant in Romania brand-ul Herra HairPerfume.
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miercuri, 13 noiembrie 2013

Life Lately

Dinner with friends
My cat hugging me while sleeping
Goodies in testing from Orchidea Blu
Beautiful nails thanks to Depozitul de Frumusete
Great night, great show, great guy! Pablo Francisco.
Mint Delight
Vitality Shampoo
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vineri, 8 noiembrie 2013

Latest Movie Recommendations

It’s time to share with you some of the movies I’ve seen and enjoyed lately. Some are new, some are older and there is a series somewhere in between. Here they are:
Man of Steel
A different approach of Superman: A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he is forced to confront his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race and become the symbol of hope for mankind.
Although very realistic and filled with violence, it was plain movie. The two main characters completely lacked chemistry. I would grade it 6 maximum.
Construction company owner John Matthews goes undercover for the DEA in order to free his son who was imprisoned after being set up in drug deal. With the unwitting help of an ex-con employee, John enters the narcotics underworld where every move could be his last in an operation that will demand all his resources, wits and courage to survive
I guess Dwayne Johnson must be doing something right, since he gets parts in so many movies, right? This movie was way better than I expected, filled with action and thrill. Worth seeing.
What’s your number?
A woman looks back at the past twenty men she's had relationships with in her life and wonders if one of them might be her one true love. Consequently, she decides to look up all of her exes to see if any of them have changed for the better. And when she has trouble locating them, she asks her neighbor Colin, for help.
This is a movie I would recommend to romantic comedy fans. It is not great, it goes cheap and slightly vulgar sometimes, even makes fun of social-media addicts, but it has the boost of bubbly, entertaining performances by both Chris Evans and Anna Farris, Chris Evans.
Meet Joe Black
Bill Parrish, media tycoon and loving father, acts as a guide to Death, who takes the form of a young man to learn about life on Earth and in the process, fall in love with his guide's daughter.
Don’t jump, I had seen this one before, but it happened to be on TV and I watched it again. I think it’s a very deep movie, which raises many questions about life, its values and what lies beyond it. Great performance by Anthony Hopkins- I don’t think there is a movie of his I haven’t enjoyed. I believe that Brad Pitt’s talent could have been valued better by the director- meaning that I imagined some of his scenes played differently.
On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, slips into a job interview with one of New York City's best legal closers, Harvey Specter. Harvey takes a gamble by hiring Mike on the spot after he recognizes his raw talent and photographic memory. Mike and Harvey are a winning team. Mike's other allies in the office include the firm's best paralegal Rachel and Harvey's assistant Donna. Still, Mike and Harvey must keep their secret from everyone including managing partner Jessica and fellow lawyer Louis Litt.
My favorite series lately, as I have mentioned it before, although I have to admit that the premise is nonsensical. My favorite characters are Harvey, with his strong, winner attitude and Donna, with her bubbly, witty lines, her impeccable work and her occasional drama. I think I don't even have to mention the amazigly tailored suits and office outfits displayed one episode after the other. Surprisingly enough, I don’t like the actor chosen to play Mike at all, I think he makes the character look foolish and, ummm…definitely non-genius with his looks and acting style.
Which of these have you seen and how did you like them?
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