vineri, 30 mai 2014

Movies I’ve seen lately

A new side to the story of the famous monster, who rises to restore balance while humanity stands defenseless, attacked by malevolent creatures bolstered by its own scientific arrogance.
A thrilling movie ride, far better than its 1998 predecessor, in which humans are not the focus. The only thing I did not get was the 3D projection (I saw it at the cinema), as there were very few special effects to explain that.
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop, is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees the chance to bring their controversial technology to the home front, by creating a part-man, part-robot police officer. What they fail to take into consideration is that there is still a man in pursuit of justice inside the machine.
It’s a good movie for a home cinema night, although barely able to stack up to the original RoboCop.
A former DEA agent and his 9-year-old daughter move to a quiet town, where he soon tangles with a local meth druglord and is forced to protect his family from his turbulent past.
This movie is exactly what you’d expect from a Jason Statham one: lots of action, plot twists- some ridiculously coincidental, but also a bit retro, reminding me of the 80’s movies-which makes sense, if you think that the story was written by Sylvester Stallone.
The Legend of Hercules
This movie tells the story of the mythical half-god Greek hero. Betrayed by his stepfather, the King, exiled and sold into slavery because of a forbidden love, Hercules must use his extraordinary strength to fight his way back to his rightful kingdom.
Hopefully not the best recreation of the legend (one more version of the same theme is due to be out in July this year), this movie has a few exaggerations which will probably make you laugh while watching it, but all in all is enjoyable. Gladiator fights seem to be more and more present on the big screen ever since Spartacus (I mean the series) was so successful.
An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation has to pay a dangerous price for his thirst of wealth and power: he is forced to spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage. By the time he realizes this world of greed and deception is not what he wished for, he is in far too deep to be allowed to walk away.
The first question that came to my mind while watching this movie was: why the title? It has nothing to do with what the plot conveys. Too weak, clichéd and tiresome to inspire tension.
3 Days to Kill
A dying CIA agent trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter is offered an experimental drug that could save his life in exchange for one last assignment.
            Although I am fond of Kevin Costner, I really did not get this movie. Lots of dumb, unbelievable sequences (am I the only one who finds Amber Heard not credible at all?) mixed with nonsense. The only good thing about it is the actor in the leading role.
The Counselor
A lawyer finds himself in over his head when he gets involved in drug trafficking.
One of the worst Ridley Scott movies I have ever seen, in spite of the impressive cast. My suggestion is this: don’t watch it or you’ll be screaming with boredom.
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duminică, 25 mai 2014

Bifazic profesional fortifiant cu ulei de argan

Ce promite producatorul:
Bifazicul cu ulei de argan, fara limpezire, ajuta la pieptanarea usoara a parului, oferind extra stralucire, ingrijire si repararea parului. Substante ca Arginina si Provitaminele, aflate in formula sa speciala, maresc elasticitatea parului, oferindu-i un plus de vitalitate. 
Mod de folosire:
Samponati, limpeziti si uscati parul cu un prosop, lasandu-l usor umed. Agitati bine produsul inainte de utilizare. Aplicati pe par, fara limpezire.
Parerea mea:
            Am aplicat produsul conform indicatiilor, pe parul spalat si zvantat in prosop, inainte de pieptanare. Efectul de descurcare este imediat, nodurile se diminueaza semnificativ, la fel si numarul firelor de par cazute. Responsabile sunt uleiul de argan, arginina si provitaminele din componenta bifazicului. Am lasat apoi parul sa se usuce natural. Rezultatul: bucle bine definite, care isi pastreaza “tinuta” vreme de 2 zile, par matasos, stralucitor, care parca se ingrasa mai greu. La 4 zile dupa spalare, arata inca bine si nu este deloc imbacsit. 
            Am aplicat cu succes produsul si intre spalari, pe parul uscat, in special in zona cefei, in diminetile in care mi s-a parut incalcit. Fetele cu parul ondulat/cret il vor aprecia si ca ajutor in acest scop.
            Este un produs extraordinar de bun, pe care il recomand sincer. Mi se pare chiar mai bun decat bifazicul hidroreparator, pe care il comad cu regularitate si care este the Holy Grail pentru mine, in materie de descurcarea parului. Poate fi comandat aici, la pretul de 68 de lei, cu lirare prin posta sau curierat rapid. Voi l-ati incercat?
What the producer says:
            The argan oil leave-in conditioner helps easy brushing whilst providing extra shine and good repair. The Arginin and Provitamins included in its formula increase hair elasticity and make it look vivid.
 Shampoo, rinse and dry your hair with a towel, leaving it slightly humid. Shake well before spraying onto your hair. Do not rinse after application.
My opinion:

I applied this product after washing and drying my hair in a towel, as per the instructions. The effect was almost miraculous: combing was easy and tangles disappeared instantly. I let it dry naturally and the result was defines curls, that lasted up to three days, shiny, silky hair, still looking great four days after being washed. I also used it to detangle my hair in the morning, in between washes- girls with curly hair will know what I am talking about. I actually find it better that the hydro-repair two-phase conditioner, my personal Holy Grail when it comes to hair detangling, which I keep reordering. You can find it here.
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duminică, 18 mai 2014

The One by Oriflame-Imagini si Impresii

Noutatile din gama The One by Oriflame au ajuns si la mine. Le-am tot pus la incercare pe parcursul a doua saptamani, astfel ca mi-am putut forma o parere preliminara despre ele.
Eu am primit produse din gama Ultra Rezistenta: fond de ten, pudra si concealer Illuskin, trei farduri crema, in nuante vibrante: Beige Pearl, Olive Green si Golden Brown, doua lacuri de unghii: unul intr-o nuanta calda, cuminte, intitulat sugestiv Cappucino, celalalt, un ciclam aprins, pe numele sau Ni. Orchid, mascara Volume Blast black si doua gloss-uri Power Shine, in nuantele Rose Glacier si Trendy Berry. 

Gloss-urile Power Shine vin intr-un ambalaj delicat, elegant, vizibil calitativ. Au textura usor lipicioasa specifica acestui tip de produs, aroma delicioasa, dulce-fructata, de pepene galben, nuante pigmentate discret si particule de sclipici care confera buzelor volum vizibil. Pot fi aplicate si in cantintate mica, la mijlocul buzelor, peste ruj, pentru acelasi efect de boost vizual. Pot fi achizitionate la pretul de 15,99 lei.
Mascara Volume Blast are un aplicator de plastic, care, contrar asteptarilor mele, confera instantaneu volum si definire genelor, pastrand, in acelasi timp, un aspect proaspat si natural, deloc incarcat. Pretul de 17,99 lei este un plus. 
Cele doua lacuri de unghii m-au atras din primul moment cu textura sidefata, luciul ca de oglinda si culorile intense. Preferinta mea pentru variatiuni de nude purtate pe unghii m-a determinat sa incerc initial varianta Cappucino. Desi promit rezistenta “long wear”, ojele rezista pe unghii in jurul a trei zile, dupa care incep, usor-usor, sa se “ciobeasca” instetic. Ambalajele sunt foarte bine gandite, prevazute cu un sistem de inchidere deosebit de sigur, iar cantitatea este una generoasa. Nu sunt inca disponibile in campania nr.6, deci nu va pot spune pretul lor.
De cand am primit produsele, ma surprind intanzand mana zilnic dupa fondul de ten, pudra si concealer-ul din gama Illuskin. Desi nu am probleme majore cu cearcanele, imi place mult textura ultimului produs. Nuanta Nude Beige mi se potriveste si ofera un efect frumos de iluminare. Fodul de ten are grad de acoperire mic spre mediu, efect natural si finish luminos, nicidecum mat, asadar veti avea nevoie sa-l fixati, prin aplicarea pudrei. Nuanta Natural Beige pe care o detin este putin inchisa pentru tenul meu, insa se echilibreaza, in combinatie cu pudra in nuanta Medium, foarte deschisa. Preturile lor, conform ultimei campanii Oriflame sunt: Fond de ten: 28,99 lei, pudra: 32,99 lei, concealer: 9,99 lei.
Cum fardurile crema au defectul de a se strange in pliurile pleoapei dupa cateva ore de purtare, in cazul in care nu detineti un primer in colectie, puteti incerca o combinatie intre fondul de ten si pudra, drept inlocuitor. Functioneaza de minune. Textura este una deosebita matasoasa, aerata, iar rezistenta de pana la 8-9 ore, cu aplicare peste primer sau o alta baza. Favoritul meu este de departe Olive Green. Intotdeauna am fost de parere ca nuantele de verde, cu precadere cele inchise, merg mana-n mana cu ochii negri si/sau caprui. Olive Green este o nuanta superba, intensa, care ma duce cu gandul la o rochie lunga verde-smarald, la ciocolata cu menta si aroma racoroasa a limonadei din lime. In combinatie cu Golden Brown si putina indemanare, da un machiaj smokey eyes de o profunzime deosebita! Toate fardurile crema sunt disponibile la pretul redus de 19,99 lei.
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duminică, 11 mai 2014

Bulgaria Day 3: Varna & Dalboka

Our last day was spent in Varna, shopping, visiting the Military museum and on our way back home. We made what was supposed to be a quick stop at the Dalboka mussel farm, but we ended up spending around 4 hours there, since it was overcrowded and apparently the staff was overwhelmed. I will probably think twice before heading there again in the future.

            A treia si ultima zi ne-am petrecut-o in Varna, vizitand Muzeul Militar si facand mici cumparaturi. Intentionam sa facem o oprire scurta pentru masa de pranz la ferma de scoici Dalboka, insa am sfarsit prin a petrece acolo in jur de 4 ore, pentru ca era supraaglomerat, iar personalul depasit de situatie. Probabil ma voi gandi de doua ori inainte sa merg acolo data viitoare. 
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vineri, 9 mai 2014

Bulgaria Day 2: Burgas

On our second day in Bulgaria we visited Burgas, the city centre and Sea Garden Park, two of the main recreational areas. Apart from the green areas, the latter includes a small Zoo and an open air theatre. The streets and alleys were filled with people taking walks and just enjoying the open air. We also made a quick stop at the two malls in town and had a light lunch on a city center terrace.
            In cea de-a doua zi petrecuta in Bulgaria am vizitat orasul Burgas, centrul si parcul Gradinile Marii, doua dintre zonele preferate de localnici pentru recreere. Ultimul include o mini-gradina zoologica si un teatru in aer liber. Strazile si aleile erau pline de oameni iesiti la plimbare. Am oprit scurt la cele doua mall-uri din oras si am luat un pranz usor la una dintre terasele din centru.

            We returned to Nessebar for dinner and overdosed on mussels and fish.
            Am revenit in Nessebar pentru cina- ce altceva decat midii si peste?
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luni, 5 mai 2014

Bulgaria Day One: Nessebar

RO :
Am profitat de mini-vacanta de 1 mai pentru o escapada la vecinii bulgari, in Nessebar. Hotelul la care ne-am cazat, aflat la 2 pasi (literalmente, dupa cum puteti vedea in fotografii) de mare e o locatie minunata, in care grijile urbane dispar pe nesimtite, iar linistea si relaxarea te impresoara. Construit pe vechile ruine ale asezarii trace Mesambria, orasul cu o istorie de peste 9000 de ani aminteste mai degraba de atmosfera din Grecia decat de statiunile bulgaresti. Nu iti ramane decat sa arunci pe tine cele mai lejere haine (calduroase, pentru ca briza de mai a marii e racoroasa, mai ales in zori si pe inserat) si sa te bucuri de compania perfecta, de mancarea buna si de aerul curat. Ce poate fi mai frumos?
EN :
            We took advantage of the 1st of May mini-vacation and enjoyed a quick get-away in Nessebar, Bulgaria. The hotel in which we checked in is two footsteps away (literally, as you can see in the pictures) from the Sea, a wonderful place in that almost miraculously takes away your urban worries, only to replace them with peace of mind and complete relaxation. Originally a Thracian settlement, known as Menebria, the town with a more than 9000 years history became a Greek colony. That explains the Greek heritage and special atmosphere, different from everything I’ve seen in the other Bulgaria resorts. All you need to do is throw on your most comfortable clothes (also warm, because the Sea breeze is chilly in May, especially in the mornings and evenings) and enjoy the perfect company, delicious food and fresh air. Just perfect, I’m telling you!

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duminică, 4 mai 2014

Cercei White Pearl

Cerceii au fost dintotdeauna bijuteriile mele preferate. Nu pot concepe lipsa lor in tinuta unei  femei care se respecta si detin o colectie impresionanta. Favoritii mei sunt cei din argint, cu diferite pietre, cristale sau perle, precum cerceii White Pearl pe care am ales sa vi-i prezint in aceasta postare. Cerceii Criando Bijoux au un model extrem de elegant si feminin, sunt confectionati din argint 925 si vin insotiti de o cutiuta cadou si de un certificat de autenticitate.
Gasiti pe site numeroase alte modele frumoase, realizate cu elemente veritabile Swarovski si montate pe furnituri din argint 925%.
            Earrings have always been my favorite jewels. I cannot conceive their absence from a perfectly put together outfit and own an impressive collection. My particular favorites are the silver ones, adorned with precious stones, crystals or pearls, like the White Pearl earrings I am presenting today. The Criando Bijoux earrings are extremely elegant and feminine, made from 925 silver and come in a small present box, with an authenticity certificate.
            Upon checking their website, you will find many other beautiful models, made from genuine Swarovski elements and 925 silver.
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