Tocmai m-am intors
dintr-o scurta escapada la Bruxelles. Nu am avut foarte mult timp pentru
vizitat, insa am reusit sa surprind cateva instantanee pentru aceia dintre voi
care sunt curiosi cu privire la acest oras. Zona centrala este foarte
frecventata de turisti, in pofida evenimentelor neplacute de luna trecuta. Am
vizitat Piata Mare (Grand Place, in limba franceza), inconjurata de primaria
orasului, de casele breslelor si de Casa Regala (Maison du Roi). Piata este cea
mai importanta atractie turistica a orasului si principalul sau reper, alaturi
de Atomium si de Manneken Pis, fiind inclusa in patrimoniul mondial UNESCO. Bineinteles
ca nu am ratat Manneken Pis, care se afla doar la cateva stradute pietruite mai jos de Grand Place. Am
vizitat si Galeriile Regale Saint-Hubert,
un complex format din trei galerii diferite: Galeria Regelui, Galeria Reginei si
Galeria Prințului, toate in stil italian Cinquecento, cu un acoperis cu arcada
din sticla si fonta, extrem de elegante. Gasesti magazine cu ciocolata,
dantelarii si gaufre la tot pasul. Ultimul obiectiv vizitat a fost catedrala Saint
Michel et Ste Goudule, cu arhitectura impunatoare in stil gotic si vitralii
impresionante. Daca intentionati sa vizitati orasul, va sugerez sa purtati incaltari confortabile, pentru ca majoritatea strazilor sunt pietruite.
I just returned from a brief escapade to Brussels. Even
though I did not have much time for visiting, I did take a few pictures for
those of you who are curious about the city, in spite if the unpleasant events
last month. I visited the Grand Place, the central square, surrounded
by opulent guildhalls and two larger edifices, the city's Town Hall, and the Breadhouse
(French: Maison du Roi). The square is the most
important tourist destination and most memorable landmark in Brussels, along
with the Atomium and Manneken Pis. I couldn’t have missed the latter, situated
just a few cobbled streets down from Grand Place. I also visited the Saint-Hubert Royal Galleries, glazed shopping
arcades, consisting of two major sections, each more than 100
meters in length, respectively Galerie du Roi, meaning King's Gallery, and Galerie de la Reine, meaning Queen's Gallery and a smaller side
gallery (Galerie des Princes, meaning Gallery
of the Princes). Last, but not least, I visited the Cathedral of St. Michael
and St. Gudula, a Roman Catholic church built in gothic style,
with impressive stained glass decorations. You can find chocolate and lace shops wherever you go. I would suggest wearing comfortable shoes if you're planning on going, as most of the streets are cobbled.