Saptamana trecuta am
vizitat Londra pentru a doua oara in viata mea. Vom rataci impreuna, virtual,
de-a lungul a trei postari, pe strazile si la principalele obiective turistice
din acest oras cosmopolit. Amestecul de culturi, rase, traditie si lux,
infrastructura moderna si case vechi, din caramida, bine conservate, nu are cum
sa nu te impresioneze. Va recomand sa achizitionati un London Pass, pentru 2
sau 3 zile, in functie de perioada pe care o aveti la dispozitie, varianta la
pachet cu Oyster Card, incarcat cu o suma minima (cu 7,60 lire pe zi puteti
calatori nelimitat in zonele 1-3 cu metroul, de exemplu). Eu le-am cumparat pe ambele de
la statia de metrou Victoria si tot acolo am predat Oyster Card-ul in ultima
zi, primind inapoi 5 lire (un fel de garantie pentru card), plus suma ramasa
In prima jumatate de
zi, dupa sosire si cazare, am avut timp doar de Natural History Museum, care se
viziteaza gratuit si pe care vi-l recomand calduros, Royal Albert Hall si Stamford
Bridge, stadionul echipei Chelsea. Un lucru care m-a impresionat in mod
deosebit in Londra sunt muzicantii si performerii pe care ii vezi peste tot la
metrou sau pe strazi, animand atmosfera si colorand orasul cu acel aer aparte.
Intotdeauna am fost de parere ca britanicii sunt una dintre cele mai talentate
natii si ca emisiunile noastre de profil (sau ale oricarei alte tari) nu le vor
egala niciodata pe ale lor. Sunt deosebiti, chiar am vazut doi street
performeri care m-au impresionat mult, pe care regret ca nu i-am filmat, fiind
grabita: un saxofonist ce reinterpreta diverse hit-uri internationale in stil
modern si un barbat care interpreta sublim la harpa melodia “My heart will go
on”, din Titanic.
Temperaturile se simt
mai ridicate decat la noi, deoarece vantul lipseste sau este mult mai slab,
insa vremea este teribil de schimbatoare: acum e soare, peste jumatate de ora
ploua. Daca v-a placut postarea aceasta, stati pe aproape, pentru ca urmeaza
inca doua, cu principalele atractii turistice.
week I went on a trip to London for the second time in my life. We will wander
together in three separate posts, on the streets and inside the main
attractions of this cosmopolitan city. The mixture of cultures, races,
tradition and luxury, modern infrastructure and well - preserved old, brick
houses is overwhelming. I strongly recommend purchasing a London Pass for two
or three days, depending on how much time you have, together with an Oyster Card,
which you can charge with the amount needed (for instance, 7,60 pounds will
take you anywhere within areas 1 to 3 by tube during a day) I bought both from Victoria
station and got refunded for my Oyster Card in the same place (5 pounds
guarantee paid back, plus the remaining sum on the card).
the first day, upon arriving and checking in, there was little time left so I
only got to see the Natural History Museum, free of charge and lovely, the
Royal Albert Hall and Stamford Bridge, the Chelsea stadium. I was really
impressed by the musicians and performers seen everywhere from the metro
stations to the streets, who really added colour to the city. I saw two really
talented ones (I’ve always thoughts the Brits are the most talented people on
Earth), one playing international hits on the saxophone and the other, “My
heart will go on” from Titanic, of his harf.
temperatures are not that bad, since it isn’t very windy compared to my
country, but the weather is constantly changing: now sunny, then, in half an
hour, rainy. If you liked this post, stay tunned, because I have two more
coming, with more attractions!
This guy was moving and groaning, he is pictured in different stages/ T-rex in diferite ipostaze |
The Dodo, an extinct species/ Pasarea Dodo, o specie disparuta |
The Cocoon, on several floors/ Coconul, intins pe cateva etaje |
Decorating already/ Deja se pregateau pentru Sarbatori |
A peculiar building/ O cladire interesanta |
The Royal Albert Hall |
Double decker |