Product Official Description:
keratin contains ingredients identical to hair structure, which act with a
higher intensity when hair is more deteriorated.
prevents and fights hair loss:
Repairs deteriorated hair
Prevents and fights dandruff
is a complex treatment and hair care solution, with guaranteed effect, if
applied periodically and correctly.
action of Anian Liquid Keratin restores the silky, natural shine of hair,
invigorating it and providing it with volume, so that it looks radiant and
Usage instructions:
your hair with a towel, after having washed it and applied conditioner. Apply
Anian Liquid Keratin, massage easily, then comb. Dry carefully with a hair
dryer, the heat being necessary for the active ingredients to work. Style your
hair as usual.
Validity term:
12 months from opening
250 ml
My opinion:
read many reviews of this product before actually having the chance of testing
it myself. Like I told you before, my hair was exposed to the sun and to salty
sea water during this summer, which imposed the application of a regenerating
treatment. I had read that keratin treatments are the best solution for deep
regeneration of fragile hair lacking flexibility, so the proposal from
Triodeluxe, who sent me this product for testing, could make me nothing else
but happy. Keratin is a special protein, major component of skin, hair and
nails. Speaking of hair, the more aggressed or excessively styled it is, the
more keratin loses its original features, which leaves the hair dull, lacking
flexibility and difficult to style.
I already mentioned in a previous
post that I am not fond of the hair dryer and hair plate. On the contrary, I
try to use them as rarely as possible, leaving my hair dry naturally. Still,
after having read the liquid keratin usage instructions, I decided to apply it
‘by the book’, utilizing a source of heat for a few minutes after applying it,
for the active ingredients to bind to the hair structure. Consequently, after
each wash, I used the Anian Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner, then sprayed the
Liquid Keratin, insisting on the roots, massaged lightly, combed again and used
the hair dryer for a few minutes. The result, which I noticed after the first
use, is shiny, silky hair, although not too soft, but just enough for easy
styling and for the hairstyle to resist for a long time. In the case of natural
curly hair, like mine, curls become less visible and hair gets slightly
straightened. I did not have issues such as clogged or oily hair, on the
contrary. Even more, I noticed a slight diminishment in the number of fallen
hairs. I personally do not have this problem, but if you are bothered by
excessive hair loss, this product might be able to help you. I noticed that it
contributes to getting thicker hair, by filling in the gaps of dry, broken or
deteriorated hairs. It is very important that you apply it as per the instructions,
on vaguely humid hair, after having previously dried it with a towel, not dry
or wet, because otherwise, the result will be clogged or coarse hair.
thing I liked is the dosage system, with pump and open/closed system, allowing
an even distribution of the product on the entire hair surface, without wasting
it. The 250 ml quantity is more than enough and I estimate it should last for
at least 8 months in my case. It is a product that won its place in my hair
care routine and which I recommend. You can purchase it on the Triodeluxe
website, for the price of 40 RON.
Descrierea oficiala a produsului:
ingrediente identice cu cele din structura firului de păr, care acţionează cu o
intensitate cu atât mai mare cu cat parul este mai deteriorat.
Previne si combate caderea parului:
• Reface parul deteriorat
• Previne si combate matreata
Este o soluţie
complexa de tratament si ingrijire cu efect garantat dacă se aplica periodic si
in mod corect.
Keratinei Lichide ANIAN revitalizează stralucirea matasoasa, naturala a parului,
revigorandu-l si dandu-i volum, astfel incat sa arate radios si sanatos.
Instructiuni de folosire: Uscati
parul cu prosopul dupa ce a fost spalat si dat cu balsam. Aplicati ANIAN
Keratina Lichida, apoi masati usor şi pieptanati. Uscati usor cu uscatorul de
par, caldura fiind necesară pentru fixarea ingredientelor active pe par. Coafati
ca de obicei.
Termen de valabilitate: 12 luni de
la deschidere.
Cantitate: 250 ml.
Parerea mea:
Am citit multe review-uri despre
acest produs inainte de a avea ocazia sa-l testez eu insami. Asa cum v-am spus,
parul meu a fost expus la soare si la apa sarata a marii pe parcursul acestei
veri, lucru ce impunea un tratament regenerator. Citisem ca tratamentele cu
keratina sunt cea mai buna solutie pentru regenerarea in profunzime a firului
de par fragil sau lipsit de elasticitate, asa ca propunerea celor de la
Triodeluxe, care mi-au trimis acest produs spre testare, nu putea decat sa ma
bucure. Keratina este o proteina speciala, component major al pielii, parului
si unghiilor. In cazul parului, cu cat acesta este agresat mai des sau coafat
in exces, cu atat keratina isi pierde proprietatile originale, rezultand un par
lipsit de elesticitate si dificil de aranjat.
mai mentionat intr-o postare anterioara ca nu sunt un fan al uscatorului si al
placii de par. Dimpotriva, incerc sa le utilizez cat mai rar, lasand parul sa
se usuce natural. Citind, insa, instructiunile de utilizare ale Keratinei
lichide Anian, am decis sa o aplic “ca la carte”, utilizand o sursa de caldura
pentru cateva minute dupa aplicare, pentru fixarea ingredientelor active in
structura firului de par. In consecinta, dupa fiecare spalare, utilizez
bifazicul pentru pieptanare usoara Anian pentru descurcare, apoi pulverizez keratina
lichida, insistand la radacini, masez usor, pieptan din nou si folosesc
uscatorul de par vreme de cateva minute. Rezultatul, pe care l-am observat
chiar dupa prima utilizare, este un par stralucitor, matasos, insa nu moale,
“cu tinuta”, astfel incat este usor de aranjat si coafura isi mentine aspectul
vreme indelungata. In cazul parului ondulat natural, ca al meu, buclele sunt
domolite usor, onduleurile fiind mai putin pronuntate. Nu am avut probleme cu
ingrasarea mai rapida a parului sau senzatia de par imbacsit, ba dimpotriva.
Mai mult decat atat, am observat o diminuare
a numarului de fire de par cazute. Personal nu am aceasta problema,
insa, daca va supara caderea excesiva a parului, acest produs va poate veni in
ajutor. Am remarcat faptul ca produsul
contribuie la ingrosarea usoara a firelor de par, prin efectul de umplere a
lacunelor din firele de par uscate, fisurate sau degradate. Este foarte
important sa il aplicati conform instructiunilor, pe parul vag umed, dupa
uscarea prealabila cu prosopul, nu uscat sau ud, pentru ca, in caz contrar, rezultatul
va fi un par imbacsit, sau, dimpotriva, aspru.
alt lucru pe care l-am apreciat este sistemul de dozare, cu pompita prevazuta
cu sistem de inchidere/deschidere, care permite distribuirea optima a
produsului pe intreaga suprafata a parului, fara a-l irosi. Cantitatea de 250
ml este arhisuficienta, eu estimez ca imi va ajunge aproximativ 8 luni. Este un produs care si-a castigat locul in
rutina mea de ingrijire a parului si pe care il recomand. Il puteti achizitiona
pe site-ul Triodeluxe, la pretul de 40 RON.