been extremely eager to share with you some of my beautiful Paris memories.
From visiting the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum (I recommend going there
early in the morning, to avoid long queues and immense crowds), seeing the famous
Mona Lisa and Napoleon’s apartments, seeing the Arc de Triomphe, walking along
the charming Champs Elysees with all its tempting stores until reaching Place
de la Concorde and Place Vendome, then L’Eglise de la Madeleine and the Opera,
since they were both in the area, the first two days in Paris went by
perfectly. Of course, I could not have missed Notre Dame de Paris, the Love
Bridge (I was impressed by the number of locks on it), the unique Montmartre
and a ride with the pittoresque funicular up to La Basilique du Sacre Coeur.
Although it was getting late already, we then wandered on the streets to find the
Moulin Rouge and the Dome of Invalides. The only downside of the trip was the
fact that, while waiting in line on the second floor of the Eiffel Tour, my
ticket for the elevator up to the third floor got stolen from my pocket (they
were probably interested in my bag, actually, but I was holding it with both
hands), so, after having waited in line for quite some time, I realized that I
was missing my ticket. It was quite disappointing, but now I have a reason to
return to Paris some day. This and the fact that I still missed some
attractions, such as the Versailles Palace, the Pantheon and the Catacombs and
only got to see others from the outside. I’ll leave you with a photo diary. If
you have questions or are planning a trip there and need some extra tips, let
me know. Stay tuned, because I am planning a second Paris post, with details
from the amazing Disneyland!
Abia asteptam sa va impartasesc
cateva dintre frumoasele amintiri ale calatoriei mele la Paris. De la vizitarea
turnului Eiffel, a muzeului Louvre (va recomand sa mergeti acolo dimineata,
pentru a evita cozile lungi si multimea de oameni), unde am vazut, printre
altele, faimosul tablou Mona Lisa si apartamente lui Napoleon, vizitarea
Arcului de Triumf, urmata de o plimbare de-a lungul Champs Elysees, cu multimea
de magazine tentante, de-o parte si de alta, pana la Place de la Concorde si Place
Vendome, apoi catre Eglise de la Madeleine si Opera, intrucat ambele se aflau
in zona, primele doua zile in Paris au trecut minunat. Nu puteam pierde
catedrala Notre Dame de Paris, unul dintre numeroasele poduri cu lacate puse de
indragostiti (impresionant de multe), fascinantul cartier Montmartre, un
pitoresc urcus cu funicularul pana la Basilique du Sacre-Coeur. Desi se
inserase deja, am mai hoinarit pe strazi, catre Moulin Rouge si Domul
Invalizilor. Singurul lucru care mi-a intristat oarecum calatoria a fost faptul
ca, in timp ce asteptam la coada pentru a urca la al treilea nivel al Turnului
Eiffel, mi-a fost furat biletul pentru lift din buzunar (probabil hotul era mai
degraba interesat de geanta, insa o tineam cu ambele maini,asa ca a luat ce a
reusit sa apuce). Atunci cand am ajuns in fata, am constatat cu stupoare ca
pierdusem timpul degeaba asteptand (casa de bilete de la al doilea nivel fiind
inchisa). Am fost destul de dezamagita, insa acum am un motiv in plus sa revin
in Paris intr-o buna zi- acesta si faptul ca nu am avut timp sa vizitez
atractii precum: Palatul Versailles, Pantheonul sau Catacombele, iar pe altele
le-am vazut doar din exterior, din lipsa de timp. Va las in compania unor
fotografii. Daca aveti intrebari sau planuiti o calatorie acolo si aveti nevoie
de sugestii, dati-mi de stire. Stati pe-aproape, pentru ca pregatesc o a doua
postare despre Paris, cu detalii de la uimitorul Disneyland!
Tour Eiffel at night- have you ever seen something this spectacular?
The structure |
View from the second level |
The structure at night |
The view at sunset |
It gets better at night fall |
Mona Lisa |
Napoleon's apartments |
Pyramide du Louvre |
Arc de Triomphe |
Champs Elysees |
Place de la Concorde |
Place de la Concorde |
La Madeleine |
Place Vendome |
Opera |
Notre Dame de Paris |
Amazing |
Gargoyles |
Love locks |
Basilique du Sacre Coeur |
Moulin Rouge |
Dome des Invalides |
Dome des Invalides |
Multumim de poze, foarte frumos Parisul!
RăspundețiȘtergereImi place arhitectura sa :)
Cu placere! Este un oras superb, cu o infrastructura foarte bine pusa la punct. Metroul circula impecabil, nu am asteptat niciodata mai mult de 1-2 minute pe peron.
ȘtergereSuperbe pozele! Trebuie sa ajung si eu neaparat la Paris. Abia astept postarea despre Disneyland! :*
RăspundețiȘtergereE superb, merita vizitat. Avantajul unei calatorii in perioada asta a anului este lipsa aglomeratiei din zilele calduroase. Eviti, astfel, cozile interminabile, care iti scurteaza timpul alocat vizitarii obiectivelor. :*
Ștergerehey girl! thnx for stopping by!
RăspundețiȘtergereyou have a cool blog!
are sure,we can follow each other. I'm following you already. Waiting for you ;)
Thank you, lady! Sure will! :X
ȘtergereSorry, it turned out that I had problems with blogger,that is why it didn't show that I'm following you. But now i do
Ștergerexoxo :)