luni, 30 iulie 2012

Sabroso Restaurant Mamaia


         Going through Mamaia resort, it is pretty difficult not to notice Sabroso Restaurant, located by Mamaia boulevard, close to Rex Hotel. We went there a while ago for drinks and ended up ordering something to eat, too, although we were not very hungry. A friend of mine had “tochitura” (a traditional Romanian dish), while I ordered a desert, papanasi. This is a locally popular desert, usually made out of two home-made cheese doughnuts with sour cream and jam on top. Instead, I received two regular doughnuts, probably purchased (they did not taste home-made at all),with some light sour cream (its consistency was very liquid) and jam.
The mashed fruit lemonade is good and refreshing and you can try it in many different flavours. We went for passion fruit and melon. The prices are affordable, especially compared to other restaurants in the area. Let me know if you tried it and what was your opinion!


Este destul de dificil sa treci pe langa restaurantul Sabroso din Mamaia fara sa il observi. Este pozitionat pe bulevardul Mamaia, aproape de hotelul Rex. Am mers acolo acum ceva timp cu intentia sa “stam la un suc”, insa am sfarsit prin a  comanda si ceva de mancare, desi nu ne era foarte foame. Un prieten de-al meu a comandat tochitura, iar eu am ales un desert: papanasi. Din pacate, in loc de papanasii traditionali din branza de vaca, am primit 2 gogosi obisnuite, probabil din comert, dupa gust, cu o smantana de consistenta foarte lichida si dulceata deasupra.
            Limonada de fructe este buna si racoritoare si o puteti savura diverse arome. Noi am ales fructul pasiunii si pepene galben. Preturile sunt medii, in special comparativ cu alte restaurante din zona. Sunt curioasa daca ati incercat acest restaurant si cum vi s-a parut.
Mashed Fruit Lemonade times 3


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2 comentarii:

  1. tochitura este rezistenta iar la papanasi smantana este lichida pt k gogoasa este fierbinte

  2. Nu sunt sigura ca inteleg prima parte a comentariului tau. Tochitura nu am comandat-o eu. Cat despre papanasi...pur si simplu nu erau cum ar trebui sa fie.
