Directed by:
Fernando Gonzalez Molina
Mario Casas, Clara Lago, María Valverde, Alvaro Cervantes, Marina Salas, Diego
Martin, Nerea Camacho.
end of June marked the release of “Tengo ganas de ti” (I want you), the much
awaited sequel to “Tres metros Sobre el Cielo”, the most watched Spanish film
of 2010. “Tengo ganas de ti” is, like the first movie, an adaptation of the
novel of the same name by the popular Italian writer Federico Moccia. The
sequel to “Tres metros sobre el cielo” tells the story of Hache’s (Mario Casas)
return home after two years in London. The memory of Babi (Maria Valverde) has
been with him for all this time and is apprehensive about meeting her again. The
entire movies is built on the idea of things having changed and Hache starting
over, making new friends, getting a job, rebuilding his life. The only question
is: will he ever live anything similar to the magic of his first love again?
My opinion:
found the continuation of “Tres metros Sobre el Cielo” to be disappointing,
especially in comparison to its predecessor, due to the many exaggerations. I
read many opinions and most fans of the first movie were disappointed by the
evolution of the plot. The majority of viewers requested a third part and I watched
some interviews with the cast mentioning this possibility. The funny part is
that no third book was written, so in this case, either the author will have to
start writing a continuation to the series or the third movie will be the only
independent one.
Casas played a more complex role. The new Hache is grown up and has a deeper
personality, struggling between his past and trying to build a present. Clara Lago
was not very convincing as Gin and there was a complete lack of chemistry
between her and Mario Casas. Not to mention her two singing scenes, which were
awkward to say the least, because she wasn’t singing, but talking. What made
the scenes funny was everyone’s groundless astonishment with her voice. Maria
Valverde made a very stylish appearance. Her character, Babi, was severely
changed, though. It looked as though the director had performed a complete
deconstruction of the role and deprived the character of its energy and
personality. The fact that she still managed to perform in a convincing manner is
a plus, but it was a disappointment to watch the character decline to such
recommend watching this movie only after having seen the first part of the
series, “Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo”.
Fernando Gonzalez Molina
Mario Casas, Clara Lago, María Valverde, Alvaro Cervantes, Marina Salas, Diego
Martin, Nerea Camacho.
lunii iunie a marcat premiera “Tengo ganas de ti”, mult asteptata continuare a filmului
“Tres metros Sobre el Cielo” (Te vreau), cea mai vizualizata pelicula spaniola in 2010. “Tengo
ganas de ti” este, la fel ca primul film, o adaptare a cartii cu acelasi nume
semnata de cunoscutul autor italian Federico Moccia. Continuarea la “Tres
metros sobre el cielo” spune povestea intoarcerii lui Hache (Mario Casas), dupa
doi ani petrecuti in Londra. Amintirea lui Babi (Maria Valverde) nu l-a parasit
in toata acesata perioada si gandul revederii il nelinisteste. Intreaga
pelicula este construita in jurul ideii ca lucrurile s-au schimbat, Hache se
regaseste inaintea unui noi inceput, a unor noi prieteni, a unei slujbe si a
refacerii propriei vieti. Ramane, insa, intrebarea: va mai trai vreodata ceva
similar farmecului primei sale iubiri?
Parerea mea:
peliculei “Tres metros Sobre el
Cielo” mi s-a parut dezamagitoare, mai ales in comparatie cu prima parte,
datorita numarului ridicat de exagerari. Am citit numeroase opinii despre film
si majoritatea fanilor s-au declarat dezamagiti de evolutia actiunii.
Majoritatea au solicitat o a treia parte si am vazut cateva interviuri cu
actorii din distributie in care se mentioneaza aceasta posibilitate. Partea
amuzanta este ca nu exista o a treia carte, asa ca, in acest caz, fie autorul
va trebui sa inceapa lucrul la o continuare, fie acest al treilea film va fi
singurul independent de o baza scrisa.
Mario Casas interpreteaza un rol mai
complex decat cel din prima parte. Hache a crescut si are o personalitate mai
profunda, zbatandu-se intre trecut si incercarea de a construi prezentul. Clara
Lago nu mi s-a parut suficient de convingatoare in rolul lui Gin, iar intre ea
si Mario Casas “chimia” a lipsit cu desavarsire. Cat despre cele doua scene
muzicale ale ei, au fost cel putin ciudate, deoarece nu canta, ci vorbeste.
Ceea ce a facut ridicolul scenelor a fost incantarea nefondata a
protagonistilor relativ la vocea ei. Maria Valverde a fost o prezenta extrem de
stilata. Personajul sau, Babi, este schimbat radical, insa. Pare ca regizorul a
realizat o deconstructie completa a rolului si a privat personajul de energia
si personalitatea sa. Este de remarcat faptul ca Maria Valverde a reusit,
totusi, sa fie convingatoare in aceste circumstante, insa a fost dezamagitor sa
vad personajul ei dacazand in aceasta maniera.
vizionarea acestui film doar dupa prima parte a seriei,“Tres Metros Sobre el
Hache's encounter with Babi |
Hache and Gin |
Maria Valverde, a very stylish appearance |