you’re a declared seafood fan wondering where to go when in Constanta or Mamaia
resort, On Plonge Junior could be the right answer. The lake view from the
terrace is gorgeous and fit for a romantic date, especially if you go at
sunset. The menu offers both traditional and seafood dishes. We tried the
seafood paella and the fried calamari with French fries. The food was good, but
we felt the need for a citric punch, so we squeezed many wedges of lemon on
top. Most locals feel that the food at the original On Plonge (the one in the
port) is better and, after trying both, I have to concur. The baby octopus was
my least favorite part of the paella. I must admit that I don’t really have the
taste for it, it feels like you’re chewing on rubber and it’s not the first time
I’ve tried it. Oh well, maybe I haven’t eaten in the right restaurant yet. My
favorites are shrimp, tiger prawns, lobster and mussels. Do you like seafood?
sunteti fani declarati ai fructelor de mare si va intrebati unde sa mergeti in
Constanta sau Mamaia, On Plonge Junior ar putea fi raspunsul potrivit.
Restaurantul are vedere spre lac, iar privelistea de pe terasa este superba si
potrivita pentru o intalnire romantica, mai ales daca mergeti la apus. Noi am
incercat paella cu fructe de mare si calamari parizieni cu garnitura de cartofi
prajiti. Mancarea a fost buna, insa am simtit nevoia sa stoarcem multe sferturi
de lamaie deasupra. Majoritatea localnicilor sunt de parere ca mancarea este
mai buna la primul On Plonge (cel din port) si, dupa ce le-am incercat pe
ambele, subscriu. Caracatita a fost ingredientul din paella care mi-a placut
cel mai putin. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu i-am prins inca gustul, mi se pare ca
mestec o bucata de cauciuc si nu este prima data cand o incerc. Poate ca pur si
simplu nu am servit-o inca la restaurantul potrivit. Favoritele mele sunt
crevetii, crevetii Jumbo, homarul si midiile. Voua va plac fructele de mare?
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Seafood paella |
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Fried calamari and French fries![]() |
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Lake view from the terrace |
iubesc fructele de mare si pestele..paella nu am incercat...cu prima vizita o voi face :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAstept sa-mi spui cum ti s-a parut dupa aceea. Eu imi doresc sa incerc fructele de mare undeva pe malul Mediteranei, pentru a face comparatia cu modul de preparare de la noi.