luni, 15 octombrie 2012

Anian Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner/Bifazic pentru pieptanare usoara Anian

Those of you that have curly hair probably already know that it is thinner than straight hair, which makes it harder to acquire and maintain a hydrating balance. The consequences are dry hair and the appearance of split ends. There are multiple factors of hair deterioration, starting with the obvious ones, such as abuse of styling products, repeated dyeing, daily washing, use of hair dryer and hair plates, environmental factors (exposure to sun or excessive cold) and finishing with hidden factors, such as caffeine abuse, inappropriate eating, with little fruit and vegetable and insufficient sleep. Most of the time, hair exposure to harmful factors cannot be avoided, which is why it is recommended that we help our hair preserve its health and beauty by usage of quality products, that suit our specific needs.
Being the proud owner of curly, thin hair, I am permanently searching for the perfect hair mask and of an unraveling leave-in product. Before starting the Anian product treatment, I was using, to this purpose, the Glossy Crystal Serum from Kallos, but may hair had started to get used to it and I had to apply more and more product to get the same results. Moreover, after the summer, with sun exposure and swimming in the sea on every week-end, my hair was in need of an intensive treatment.

Product Official Description:
The new formula of Anian Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner is specially designed to untangle and soften hair, making it much easier to comb. This makes it ideal to use on children's hair and very thin hair.  It does not make hair greasy. Like all other Anian Two-Phase Instant Conditioners, it contains ingredients that nourish and moisturize, helping the hair to recover its vitality, shine and softness.
Usage instructions: Shake well before each use, to mix the two phases. Apply evenly on wet or dry hair. Do not rinse. Avoid contact with clothes.
Validity term: 12 months from opening
Quantity: 400 ml

My opinion:
            I tested the Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner together with the Liquid Keratin and, from my point of view, the two products complete one another perfectly. Still, I will present them in separate posts, which means that you can expect to read a review of the Liquid Keratin tomorrow.
Basically, after each hair wash, I sprayed the Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner on the entire hair surface, then massaged easily, combed the hair carefully, sprayed the Liquid Keratin, insisting on the roots, massaged lightly again and combed the hair, for even distribution of the product, then used the hair dryer for a few minutes. The hair becomes silky, flexible, shiny and soft. The sensation is that of healthy, hydrated hair. For curly hair like mine, if you resume at using the Easy-to-Comb Instant Conditioner, curls are well-defined, while if you continue by applying the Liquid Keratin, the hair gets slightly straightened and the curls are less visible.You can see the result of using both products consecutively in the picture below. You will say goodbye to tangles, because the comb slides incredibly easy from roots to ends, which reduces significantly the number of pulled and broken hairs.

The quantity is more than sufficient and I guarantee you it will take a while until you finish it. The dosage system with pump and open/closed system ensures an even distribution and prevents product loss. I declare myself addicted to this product and even curious to try other Anian Two-Phase Instant Conditioners. You can find it on the Triodeluxe website, for the price of 30 RON. 

Acelea dintre voi care aveti parul ondulat sau cret stiti, probabil, ca firul acestuia este mai subtire decat in cazul parului drept, lucru care ingreuneaza obtinerea si mentinerea unui echilibru de hidratare. Consecintele sunt  uscarea firelor de par si aparitia varfurilor despicate.  Factorii deteriorarii parului sunt multipli, incepand cu cei evidenti, precum abuzul de produse de styling, vopsirea repetata, spalarea zilnica, utilizarea uscatorului si a placii de par, factorii de mediu (expunerea la soare sau la frig puternic) si terminand cu factorii ascunsi, precum abuzul de cafeina, alimentatia necorespunzatoare, saraca in fructe si legume si somnul insuficient. De cele mai multe ori expunerea parului la factori nocivi nu poate fi evitata, de aceea este bine sa ii oferim ajutorul necesar pentru a-si pastra sanatatea si frumusetea, prin utilizarea unor produse de calitate, adaptate nevoilor noastre specifice.
Avand un par ondulat, cu firul subtire, care se incurca strasnic dupa fiecare spalare, ma aflu in permanenta cautare a mastii de par optime si a unui produs leave-in pentru descurcare care sa ma ajute. Pana sa incep tratamentul cu produsele Anian, utilizam, in acest sens, serul cu cristale Glossy de la Kallos, insa parul meu incepuse sa se obisnuiasca si aplicam o cantitate tot mai mare de produs la finalul fiecarei spalari. Mai mult, dupa perioada verii, cu plaja si inot in mare la fiecare final de saptamana, parul meu dadea semne de uscare si avea nevoie urgent de un tratament intensiv.

Descrierea oficiala a produsului:

Noua formula al lui ANIAN Balsam instant bifazic pentru pieptanare uşoară este special creată pentru a descalci parul şi a-l face matasos, lasandu-l uşor de pieptanat. Este ideal pentru parul copiilor şi pentru parul foarte fragil. Nu incarca şi nu unge parul.
De asemenea, la fel ca toate celelalte balsamuri instant ANIAN bifazice, contine ingrediente care hranesc si hidrateaza, ajutand parul sa-si recapete vitalitatea, stalucirea si supletea.

Instrucţiuni de folosire: Se agita inainte de fiecare utilizare. Se aplică uniform pe parul ud sau uscat. Nu se limpezeste. A se evita contactul cu hainele.
Termen de valabilitate: 12 luni de la deschidere.
Cantitate: 400 ml
Parerea mea:
 Am testat Bifazicul pentru pieptanare usoara in paralel cu keratina lichida si, din punctul meu de vedere, cele doua produse se completeaza de minune. Cu toate acestea, le voi prezenta in postari separate, urmand a publica un review al keratinei lichide in cursul zilei de maine.
Practic, dupa fiecare spalare, pulverizam bifazicul pentru pieptanare usoara pe intreaga suprafata a parului, masam usor, apoi pieptanam cu grija, pulverizam keratina lichida, insistand la radacini, masam usor din nou si pieptanam parul, pentru distribuirea uniforma a produsului, dupa care utilizam uscatorul de par vreme de cateva minute. Parul devine matasos, suplu, stralucitor si moale la atingere. Senzatia este aceea de par sanatos, hidratat.  In cazul unui par ondulat, daca ne rezumam la utilizarea bifazicului, buclele sunt bine definite, au tinuta. Daca, in schimb, pulverizam si keratina lichida, urmata de utilizarea uscatorului de par, buclele se lasa, parul capatand un aspect mai "cuminte". Rezultatul utilizarii ambelor produse consecutiv il puteti vedea in fotografia de mai jos. Despre par incurcat si noduri nu mai poate fi vorba, pieptanul aluneca incredibil de usor de la radacina pana la varfuri, ceea ce reduce semnificativ numarul firelor rupte sau smulse.
Cantitatea este mai mult decat suficienta si va asigur ca va va ajunge vreme indelungata. Sistemul de dozare cu pompita si sistem de inchidere/deschidere asigura distributia uniforma si previne pierderea produsului.Eu am devenit dependenta de acest produs si chiar sunt curioasa sa incerc si alte balsamuri bifazice marca Anian. Il puteti gasi pe site-ul Triodeluxe, la pretul de 30 RON. 
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