duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

Christmas Presents!

I’ve been eager to show you my Christmas presents, but kept postponing this post, due to lack of time. So, without further introduction, here they are:
Guess Feminine Hyperactive Watch
I’ve been longing for a rose gold watch for a while and this one seemed like the perfect one. I also liked a similar model from Fossil, but saw it on a friend and the colors had started to fade away after only a few month, so I decided to go for a different brand. It was purchased from here.
Mi-am propus sa va arat cadourile mele de Craciun de ceva timp, insa, din lipsa de timp, am tot amanat. Iata-le, in sfarsit, fara alta introducere:
Ceas Guess Feminine Hyperactive
Imi doream un ceas pe nuanta rose gold si oscilam intre acesta si un model similar marca Fossil, insa l-am vazut pe cel din urma la o prietena si culorile incepusera sa paleasca dupa doar cateva luni de purtare, asa ca am optat pentru Guess. Este achizitionat de aici.
Pandora Earrings
So cute and feminine, perfect for work outfits and mornings when you just cannot decide what to wear, since they go with almost anything.
 Cercei Pandora
Extrem de draguti si de feminini, perfecti pentru tinute de birou si pentru diminetile in care nu puteti decide ce sa purtati, intrucat se potrivesc la aproape orice.
An unexpected gift from Oriflame: the brand new Pretty Swan Eau de Toilette, that became available for ordering starting this year. It is a very sweet, feminine, powdery and charming fragrance, perfect for the cold season. Its top notes are pink pepper, apricot and rice.
Un dar neasteptat de la Oriflame: noul parfum Pretty Swan, disponibil in cataloage de anul acesta. Are o aroma dulce, feminine, pudrata si seducatoare, fiind perfect pentru sezonul rece. Notele sale de varf sunt piperul roz, caisa si orezul.
Bourjois gift set: shower gel, deodorant and a red nail polish which I have already abused of during the holidays. All I can tell you is that I love it, it is the perfect red for a glamourous night!
Set cadou Bourjois: contine gel de dus, deodorant si oja cadou. Va pot spune doar ca am abuzat deja de ea in timpul Sarbatorilor, mi se pare rosul perfect pentru o seara glamour!
Many sweets, but this one was my favourite!
What did you get for Christmas? I hope you found everything you were dreaming of under the tree!
Multe dulciuri, dar acesta este preferatul meu!
Voua ce v-a adus Mosul? Sper ca ati gasit sub brad tot ce v-ati dorit!
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9 comentarii:

  1. Ce de bunatati! <3
    Sa te bucuri de toate!

  2. I would be glad if you follow my blog !


    Coline !

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    1. Thank you for the nice words and for visiting! I just followed you back. Kisses!

  4. Hi, you asked me if I would like to follow each other. So I would love it. I hope see you in my blog. Besos,
