miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013

New in from Brigette’s Boutique

I was planning to invest in some high quality brushes for a while, so you can imagine my enthusiasm when Brigette’s Boutique offered to send me a couple for review. So here they are, with details and pictures:
BB20-Brigette's Boutique Long Angled Top Synthetic Long Handle Kabuki
The bristles are made from synthetic fiber, the top is angled, while the handle is long, providing an easy grip. It is a great brush for applying blush and bronzers with a natural, fresh glow. It picks up just the right amount of product, allowing you to build up to the desired effect. I have already washed it and did not experience any unpleasant fall out.
You can find it here for the price of 9,95$.
BB21-Brigette's Boutique Flat Top Synthetic Long Handle Kabuki
            It is very similar to BB20, except for the flat top. They both feel incredibly soft. It is perfect for blending foundation, applying powder or for buffing in mineral make-up, the result being a flawless, natural look. It is very dense, with bristles packed tightly together.
            Available here, for the price of 9,95$.
I find both brushes to be very qualitative and affordable, perfect for someone who intends to complete their brush collection with some really good pieces of just invest in the basic must-haves, make-up wise.
Along with these brushes, I also received samples of Brigette’s Boutique very own brand of mineral products, Annika Maya. The sample packaging is really cute and perfect for trips. They are very pigmented, based on few, harmless, ingredients, which constitutes a big plus, from my perspective. The Annika Maya Mineral Blush- Burnt Orange blush would look great on a tanned skin and I cannot wait to try it once the seaside season finally begins. It gives my cheeks a healthy, luminous glow.
I haven’t used the Black Glitter yet, but am planning to, soon, either part of a make-up or manicure. Let’s see what turns out!  
            Planuiam sa investesc in cateva pensule de buna calitate de ceva timp (de cand cu Black Friday, mai exact), asa ca va puteti imagina entuziasmul meu, atunci cand cei de la Brigette’s Boutique mi-au indeplinit aceasta dorinta. Iata, deci, ce am primit, in detalii si fotografii:
BB20-Brigette's Boutique Long Angled Top Synthetic Long Handle Kabuki
            Este o pensula cu par sintetic, varful in unghi si maner relativ lung, usor de manevrat. Este perfecta pentru aplicarea de blush si bronzer, pentru un finish natural si un efect de prospetime. Nu se incarca excesiv cu produs, astfel incat puteti construi aspectul dorit, prin aplicari succesive. Am spalat-o deja o data si m-a surprins placut, nepierzand fire.
             O gasiti aici, la pretul de 9,95$.
BB21-Brigette's Boutique Flat Top Synthetic Long Handle Kabuki
Foarte asemanatoare pensulei BB20, insa avand varful drept. Ambele au perii extrem de fini si matasosi. Este perfecta pentru aplicarea de fond de ten, pudra sau machiaj mineral, rezultatul fiind un aspect natural, fara cusur. Este foarte densa, cu perii strans grupati.
Disponibila aici, la pretul de 9,95$.
Ambele pensule sunt extrem de calitative si accesibile, perfecte pentru cele care intentioneaza sa-si completeze colectia de pensule sau, pur si simplu, sa investeasca in instrumente esentiale realizarii unui machiaj reusit.
Impreuna ca ele, am primit si doua mostre din gama de cosmetice minerale Brigette’s Boutique, Annika Maya. Ambalajele mostrelor sunt extrem de practice, perfecte pentru calatorii. Sunt foarte pigmentate, avand la baza ingrediente putine si inofensive, un mare plus, din punctul meu de vedere. Blush-ul  Annika Maya Mineral Blush- Burnt Orange confera obrajilor mei o stralucire proaspata si promite sa arate grozav pe pielea bronzata, asa ca abia astept sa-l incerc dupa cateva sesiuni de plaja.
               Nu am folosit sclipiciul negru inca, insa intentionez sa-l pun la treaba in curand, fie intr-un machiaj, fie intr-o manichiura. Sa vedem ce iese! 

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luni, 22 aprilie 2013

Suddenly Madame Glamour Perfume

            I had read about the Lidl dupe perfumes a while ago and was intrigued by the information that Suddenly Madame Glamour  had triumphed over the famous Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel in various comparative blind tests. Consequently, my next step was purchasing the miracle perfume, currently on sale, from a local Lidl store. The producer describes it as fresh citrus and floral notes merging to an alluring, exotic oriental accord, incorporating Bergamot and Jasmine.
             It is a good, lasting perfume (I only spray it once in the morning and in the evening, the scent is still there), a little “heavy”, which is why I would not recommend it during the summer. Compared to the original Coco Mademoiselle is yet more subtle- all Chanel perfumes are known to be very strong, the type of winter perfumes. I find it to be a little bargain, considering the affordable price, its persistence and practical, purse-friendly, format.
            Have you ever tried any Lidl dupe perfumes?
Citisem despre parfumurile- replica ale unor marci celebre, comercializate in Lidl acum ceva timp, iar informatia potrivit careia, in urma mai multor blind teste comparative, majoritatea covarsitoare a participantilor a preferat parfumul Lidl- Suddenly Madame Glamour  celebrului Coco Mademoiselle, de la Chanel, mi-a atras atentia. Asa ca urmatorul meu pas a fost achizitionarea parfumului Suddenly, momentan la oferta, la pretul de doar 15 RON. Cei de la Lidl il descriu pe scurt ca fiind un amestec proaspat, cu iz oriental, de note citrice si florale, cu adaos de bergamota si iasomie.
Este un parfum bun, foarte persistent (e suficient sa pulverizez o data, dimineata, iar seara, aroma este inca acolo), putin “greu”, de aceea nu l-as recomanda vara. In comparatie cu originalul- Coco Mademoiselle, este, insa, mai subtil- se stie ca parfumurile Chanel sunt foarte puternice, genul de parfumuri “de iarna”. Mi se pare o mica afacere, avand in vedere pretul mai mult decat accesibil, rezistenta si formatul practic, usor de purtat in geanta, pentru un eventual retus pe parcursul zilei.
Voi ati incercat vreunul dintre parfumurile replica, marca Lidl?

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duminică, 21 aprilie 2013

Gerovital Plant Treatment Kit for Hair Regeneration


What the producer says:
This kit is a cosmetic product for external use, for both men and women who deal with the problems of the hair with no vitality, hair loss, dry or excessively greasy scalp.
The hair regeneration Treatment Kit acts through: Vitamins A, E and B5, which acts in order to restructure the degraded hair, through the Vegetal Extracts with proven efficacy in stimulating the healthy growth of the hair strand and prevention of hair loss and through the Quaternized Hydrolyzed Keratin, which rebuilds the structure of the hair breadth, gives shine, protection and grows the resistance to breaking.
Mix the contents of the ampoule 1 and ampoule 2 in a container, until you will obtain a creamy consistency. Apply the obtained composition on wet hair both on the length and scalp, and massage. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse well afterwards. The treatment should be applied twice a week. For higher efficiency it is recommended a minimum 2 months period of treatment
The active principles of the concentrated formulas of the two serums combine and act in perfect synergy in order to: improve the circulation at the capillary level, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, prevent the loss of hair and stimulate the healthy growth of the hair strand.
My opinion:
            As I have mentioned previously, I am not dealing with any scalp problems or hair fall, but I want to grow my hair a little longer, so I pamper it with different treatments anytime I get the chance. Moreover, curly hair tends to be dryer than the straight one, therefore it needs extra care.
I started using this product in mid- February. I must confess that there were times when, due to lack of time or patience, I did not apply it twice per week, but my hair benefited from it at least on a weekly basis. The usage instructions recommend distribution both on the scalp and length, but for my hair I would have needed three or even four sets, so I preferred to apply one set on the roots and my regular hair mask on the length. Of course, there is always the possibility to buy more than one kits and use as many as you need for each application. In time, I noticed that it diminished the loss of hair. My hair is easy to comb and has that healthy glow we are all longing for.
             It is a good product, that I would recommend, especially since I noticed an improvement even by applying it only on my roots. Its regenerating effect is visible in the last picture below. I find it extremely useful for those with short hair, for whom the quantity of product in the two ampoules should be ideal. You can purchase it here and in stores, all over Romania.
Ce spune producatorul:
Acest kit este un produs cosmetic pentru uz extern, adresat atât femeilor cât şi bărbaţilor, care se confruntă cu probleme ale părului legate de lipsa vitalităţii acestuia, căderea părului, uscarea scalpului ori îngrăşarea excesivă.
Kitul pentru regenerarea părului acţionează prin: Vitaminele A, E şi B5, care acţionează pentru restructurarea părului degradat, prin Extractele vegetale cu eficacitate demonstrată în stimularea creşterii sănătoase a firului de păr şi prevenirea căderii părului şi prin Hidrolizatul quaternizat de keratină, care reface structura firului de păr, oferă luciu, protecţie şi creşte rezistenta la rupere.
Mod de utilizare:
Amestecă într-un recipient conţinutul din 2 fiole (Ser 1 şi Ser 2) până capătă o consistenţă cremoasă. Soluţia obţinută se aplică printr-un masaj uşor, pe toată pielea capului şi de-a lungul firului de păr, pe părul umed, proaspăt spălat. Aşteaptă 10 minute şi apoi limpezeste.
Pentru eficacitate ridicată, aplică tratamentul de 2 ori pe săptămână, pe o durată de minim 2 luni.
Principiile active din formulele concentrate ale celor două seruri se combină şi acţionează sinergic pentru: îmbunătăţirea circulaţiei la nivel capilar, normalizarea secreţiei glandelor sebacee, prevenirea căderii părului, stimularea creşterii sănătoase a firului de păr
Parerea mea:
Am mentionat anterior ca nu ma confrunt cu probleme ale scalpului sau caderea parului, insa imi doresc sa imi las parul sa creasca mai lung, asa ca il rasfat cu diferite tratamente de cate ori am ocazia. In plus, parul ondulat natural prezinta o tendinta spre uscare mult mai accentuata, comparativ cu parul drept, deci necesita ingrijire suplimentara.
Am inceput sa utilizez acest produs la jumatatea lunii februarie. Marturisesc ca au fost dati cand, din lipsa de timp sau de rabdare, nu l-am aplicat de doua ori pe saptamana, insa parul meu a beneficiat de cel putin o aplicare saptamanala. Instructiunile de utilizare recomanda aplicarea pe scalp si pe lungime, insa parului meu i-ar trebui minimum 3 seturi de fiole, daca nu chiar 4 pentru o aplicare ca la carte, asa ca am preferat sa aplic combinatia celor 2 fiole la radacina si sa completez cu masca mea obisnuita pe lungime. Fireste, exista alternativa de a cumpara mai multe astfel de kit-uri, folosind atatea fiole cate sunt necesare pentru intreaga suprafata a parului la fiecare spalare. Am observat, in timp, o diminuare a numarului de fire de par cazute. Parul devine usor de pieptanat, are un aspect stralucitor si sanatos.
Este un produs bun, pe care il recomand, intrucat, in cazul meu, a dat rezultate aplicat doar la radacina parului. Puteti vedea ca acesta se regenereaza rapid in fotografia de mai jos. Mi se pare extrem de util pentru persoanele cu parul scurt, pentru care cantitatea de produs din cele 2 fiole este ideala. Il gasiti aici si in magazine, la pretul de aproximativ 50 RON.
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