vara, plaja si apa de mare aleg intodeauna sa-mi rasfat parul. Si ce
alternativa poate fi mai buna decat rasfatul cu produse Lush, naturale,
organice si parfumate irezistibil? Am parul ondulat natural, cu firul subtire
si chiar daca am mereu grija sa-i tund varfurile la finalul verii, are tendinta
de a se incalci serios in zona cefei, in special dupa spalare. Am folosit alternativ
un sampon lichid si unul solid, in combinatie cu un balsam si o masca, pe care
am aplicat-o fara clatire.
After the summer,
beach and salty sea water experience, I always
choose to pamper my hair. And what way could be better than using the natural, organic and irresistibly fragranced Lush products? I have natural curly hair, rather thin and although I am
always careful to get its ends cut after
each summer, it tends to get seriously tangled behind the neck area, especially
after washing. I alternatively used
one solid and one liquid shampoo, in
combination with a conditioner and
a mask, which I applied it
without rinsing.
descrierii Lush:
What Lush Says About
Sampon Lichid Cynthia Sylvia Stout
neagra confera greutate si cuminteste parul care pana mai ieri zbura in toate
directiile. Pentru stralucire, inseparabila de notiunea de "par
drept", folosim suc si ulei de lamaie, si ca sa incoronam opera, drojdia
de bere, plina de proteine naturale, hidrateaza si reface firul de par, iar
coniacul echilibreaza secretiile glandelor sebacee.
Cynthia Sylvia Stout
up, to taming fluffy frizzy hair- It’s been known for hundreds of
years that rinsing hair with beer will give it shine and volume. So half of the
bottle is filled with beer, whilst the other half has lots of other clever
ingredients to help the process. It’s hard to ignore the smell of half a bottle
of beer – so it contains essential oils that compliment the smell; with
lemongrass to add a dash of lemonade scent and cognac oil to give a smoothness
and sophistication. It also contains yeast, which is a protein conditioner,
balsamic vinegar and lemon juice to close the hair cuticle, give shine and help
the hair to lie flat.
Balsam Par Natural American Cream
balsam care seamana, ca aspect si aroma, cu un milkshake. Vanilia si capsunele fresh sunt reteta sigura pentru orice
pofticios. Daca mai pomenim si de miere (care reduce electricitatea statica),
n-ai sa te mai induri sa-l aplici pe par. Fa-o totusi si apreciaza rezultatul
inaintea celorlalti. Par curat, lucios si fericit.
American Cream
The vanilla pod infusion, vanilla
absolute and clary sage fragrance is one of our most popular product scents and
lasts in the hair for hours.
Sampon Solid Vegan Trichomania
sampon solid vegan bogat in
crema de cocos pentru a hrani si hidrata parul uscat; poate fi folosit cu
succes si pentru parul cret. Stim ca nuca de cocos face minuni pentru
ingrijirea corpului, de aceea uleiul de cocos natural are un efect cel putin asemanator si pentru par.
Trichomania Solid
are amazing on the skin, but their natural oils are also great for hair,
moisturising and conditioning it. This bar contains lashings of creamed coconut
and soya lecithin, for protein. The rich lather softens and shines the hair,
giving a good wash without stripping or drying the hair and scalp. The lovely
coconut and vetivert fragrance leaves hair smelling good enough to eat for
hours afterwards.
Masca pentru par vegan R&B
noua masca vegan, cu un miros placut de iasomie, care intareste parul fragil si
il revitalizeaza. Se ia putin pe varful degetelor si se aplica pe parul umed,
proaspat spalat, pentru a avea un par
bogat de invidiat
R&B Hair Moisturizer
lots of rich ingredients, aimed to smooth over the hair cuticle and to give
back condition to the hair, making it more elastic, easier to comb and less
likely to break. Things like avocado butter, olive oil, coconut oil, cupuacu
butter and candelilla wax. Oatmilk was added to soothe and cool the scalp and
jojoba oil to feed the scalp with its light oil. Everything was finished off with
essential oils like bay and orange flower absolute, for their effects on the
scalp and for the tropical fragrance they bring. R & B lets you embrace
your curls instead of fight with them. It brings back life to dry dead hair and
cools scalps that have been chemically treated.
lucru care frapeaza la aceste produse este mirosul extraordinar, care cred ca atrage
atentia tuturor, atunci cand trec pe langa standurile Lush. Aroma produselor
pentru ingrijirea parului persista pana la 3 zile dupa spalare, ceea ce nu
poate decat sa ma incante. Sampoanele nu fac spuma excesiva, insa este
suficienta o cantitate destul de mica de produs la o spalare, lucru ce ma
indreptateste sa afirm ca sunt spornice.
Aplic samponul, urmat de balsam, pe care il clatesc la cateva minute
dupa aplicare. Parul ramane frumos parfumat, scartaind de curatenie. Dupa
uscare, devine matasos, hidratat, usor de pieptanat, cu onduleuri bine definite
si stralucitoare. Nu il simt uscat, are tinuta si se ingrasa mai greu cu cel
putin 24 de ore. Nu am probleme legate de caderea parului, insa, dupa cateva
utilizari, am constatat mai putine fire pe pieptan, dupa descurcarea de dupa
baie, cand, inevitabil acesta cade sau se rupe in cantitate mai mare. Masca
pentru par vegan, aplicata intr-o cantitate infima pe parul umed, dupa spalare,
ii confera acestuia un miros absolut divin, care va atrage, cu certitidine,
multe complimente.
I said, I used the shampoos alternatively, followed by the conditioner and the
leave in moisturizer. The shampoos don’t make excessive lather, but a small
quantity is enough, so they will last for a while. My hair is left smooth,
silky, easy to comb, shining and wonderfully-smelling. The scent is absolutely
divine and lingers in the hair long after you’ve finished washing it. My curls
are defined, with absolutely no frizzy effect. It doesn’t feel dry, instead it
has boost, energy and flexibility. I even noticed the roots take at least 24
more hours than regular to get oily. I haven’t experienced hair loss problems,
but, after using these products, I noticed an improvement in that respect, even
when combing mine after the bath, when it’s prone to breaking. Applying a very
small quantity of moisturizer on wet, freshly washed hair, leaves it smelling
AMAZING- I guarantee you will get compliments on that!
produsele si intregul concept Lush din cateva motive:
Folosirea fructelor, a semintelor, uleiurilor esentiale si a petalelor de flori
in stare proaspata, pentru a-si pastra proprietatile
Produsele fresh,
fabricate manual, din uleiuri esentiale fine, organice, obtinute din
plante, fructe, seminte si flori, din zone sigure si nepoluate
la minim a ingredientelor artificiale din cosmetice
Atentia pentru prezentarea
produselor: refuzul ambalajelor
inutile si scumpe pentru a incuraja la incercarea produselor, refuzul
sinteticelor si refuzul formelor conventionale.
originale, personalizate, menite sa dea nastere si sa consolideze relatia
producator-consumator, prin etichete avand numele persoanei “responsabile” de
manufacturarea fiecarui produs in parte, data fabricatiei si variante de
utilizare in cazul pungutelor de hartie.
va place Lush? Ce produse folositi?
I really appreciate the Lush products and
concept for a few good reasons:
Their belief in making effective
products from fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils
and safe synthetics
Fresh, handmade products
Minimum usage of artificial
Great attention paid to product
presentation: refusal of useless, expensive, artificial and conventional
The cute, original packaging,
creating producer-consumer bonds- labels with the name of manufacturer, date
and potential usage recommendations on each product
Do you like Lush? Which are your
current favorites?
Folosesc produse Lush si le iubesc pentru ca miros senzational. Momentan am doar pachetul Celebrate de la ei :)
RăspundețiȘtergereSubscriu in privinta mirosului. Te pup!
ȘtergereM-am trezit tarziu sa particip la concursul tau. Produse Lush am incercat prea putine si doar din categoria bombe efervescente.
Eu pe acelea inca nu le-am incercat. Mai anunt un giveaway zilele acestea, poate te inscrii acum, daca iti surade premiul. :X
ȘtergereYumm :D imi faci o pofta maxima!! :))
RăspundețiȘtergereSa stii ca exact asa miros! Yumm! :)
ȘtergereLove your Hair <3 ,American Cream works great ,a really good Product!
RăspundețiȘtergerefollow new ,mind follow back?
kisses :)
Thank you, lady! I definitely will! :*
ȘtergereWow,foloseste-le cu placere,sunt produse superbe:D
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc! :*:X
ȘtergereThey smell and work amazingly, too! :*