sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2014

Gotta Love Pasta!

A post for all you pasta aficionados (myself included!) out there today! I also wanted to make it easier and make some going out recommendations for those of you who are planning on visiting the Romanian sea resorts and the city of Constanta. The pictures below were taken at two of my favorite pasta serving restaurants: Toscana (first two pictures) and Integra (the second two).
O postare dedicate tuturor iubitorilor de paste (ca mine). Mi-am propus, de asemenea, sa ofer o mana de ajutor celor care ajung in Constanta, prin cateva recomandari culinare. Mai jos, fotografii cu patru feluri de paste, din doua dintre restaurantele mele favorite atunci cand vine vorba despre acest fel de mancare: Toscana si Integra.
Pennette Vegetaria
Pennette Al' Arrabiatta
Gnocchi al Pollo
Tagliatelle al Salmone
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